Thursday, March 23, 2017

Binge Eating

It has been suggested to me that I get counseling for BED, Binge-Eating Disorder.  I never heard of it before I started this blog in the fall of 2009, but the more I read about it, the more convinced I am I have it.

Here's my recent example of losing it yesterday.  I programmed my day's food.  For lunch, I planned to eat 8 crackers and two pieces of cheese left over from Monday night.  I wrote the calories into my Lose It! program, and it should have been fine.

Well, it wasn't.  First, Rudy was working on the Ritz cracker box at the time lunch came around, so I took the Triscuit box instead.  First mistake.  Second mistake was not recalculating and reprogramming.  i just started eating them.  I then proceeded to finish the box, which was at least five servings or more of the crackers.  I ate my two pieces of cheese, but the third mistake was not putting the cheese on a plate and back in the fridge.  The big plate of cheese and the box of crackers were on the kitchen table within easy reach.  Instead of two pieces of cheese, I ate TEN.  And the rest of the crackers in the box.

At that point, I was out of control and finished lunch with 300 calories of Blue Bell Vanilla ice cream, two of the small half-cup containers.  At that point, my estimate was that I had eaten over 1,000 calories just for lunch.

Sigh.  That's Binge-Eating.

The rest of the day went better.  Breakfast and dinner were as planned.  I went out to the rehearsal in the evening and ate only my banana when I got home.  I took a fifteen minute walk in the neighborhood.

It is entirely possible that I do need counseling for this disorder, but at this stage of my life, I just can't bring myself to do it.  Possibly, I should have had that bariatric surgery earlier in life, but I'm not going to subject myself to surgery now either.

Guess I'll just try to get back on the wagon today and do the right things.

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