Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Choir last night was amazing! This group, Guys and Dolls, has 108 members on its roster. The director is another "me," in that she is also a retired vocal music teacher. She worked mostly in elementary schools and some middle schools. She started the two groups (Starliters is the other one) when she first moved down here. She told me when that was, but I have forgotten. It's probably between 6-10 years ago. They are the original owner of their house, and it's only one mile from my house.

We are working on the Holiday Performance for December 2, 3, and 4. The concert will be half secular and half holiday. I know there is a Hanukkah song in the list, although I didn't get that piece last night. She must like medleys, so there are several of those. I like medleys, too, so it was OK by me! Last night we worked on the Jersey Boys medley and three other pieces. This was only their third rehearsal of the season, and I was impressed with how much they knew.

She told me that half the group does not read music, but the other half seemed to be reading very well! She also has a ton of electronic equipment in her house, so she makes a rehearsal CD of parts for everything, like Randy does for MAD. It seemed that the group had listened to their CDs a LOT! There are tons of men with strong voices, also, so that was a pleasure to hear.

Yes, there are some flat singers and flat spots. No, there is nothing clean about the entrances or cut offs yet. Not every tricky syncopated rhythm was accurate. There is little attempt to make dynamic changes or clear diction. But, hey, it's a community chorus on their third rehearsal. They are mostly learning notes, and they did that pretty quickly. Hopefully, the rest will come by December.

I have to say that I was very, very excited to go. It did not disappoint me, and I went home walking on air! This is one of those things I wanted to do when I moved here, so I feel like I have finally arrived.

My calories were great yesterday, although I didn't do any exercise. I am down another half pound to 247.2 this morning. I'm ok with that. Today will be problematic in that we are going to the Democratic Club dinner and speaker tonight. It is an Italian buffet which includes vegetarian lasagna, not exactly low calories. The trick tonight is to eat in moderation and NO SECONDS. If I keep breakfast and lunch normal and control the snacking at night, I should be OK.

I'm excited for tonight also because the new season of Survivor startts! I love that show, so I'm happy for the new season to start tonight.


  1. I am so happy that you loved the choir. It is good for everyone to be involved in something that they are passionate about. I can't wait to hear more about your experiences. A half pound weight loss is good. Keep up the good work. I am telling myself that at the same time. I haven't lost recently but just maintained. I went walking last night after I e-mailed you and I am going out walking again now. Thanks for the encouragement in your blog to help motivate me to do that.

  2. Awesome! So glad I can inspire and motivate someone. Then maybe it will bounce back and inspire/motivate ME!!
