Friday, September 16, 2011

Lake Placid was great.

I do want to spend some time writing about Lake Placid, but again today I have a lot of errands and appointments to accomplish. I'm leaving in fifteen minutes to get the day started on the first errand, going to the Farmer's Market. I don't know when I'll have a chance to get to this blog. Tonight we have a dinner and service at our synagogue; tomorrow we have a trip to Winter Park to see a show and have dinner out with the Guys and Dolls. Maybe I will write a big blog on Sunday. So far I have nothing on the calendar for that day. How odd! LOL

Suffice it to say that the trip exceeded my expectations. We enjoyed the little town, it's history, and what they have done with the murals and clown museum to make a name for themselves. Other little towns could take a lesson from Lake Placid. We also liked that two couples from our street were on the trip, so we had people we could talk to and have lunch with that we knew. I love that!! Later in the evening, we ran into those two couples and our other neighbors, Ken and Luanne. They ended up having dinner in the community restaurant, The Stonegate Grille. We had walked up there much earlier because we were going to the 7 p.m. movie. The trip ran about 40 minutes behind schedule, so we no longer had time to drive over to Lakeside, as originally planned, and also get back in time for the movie. My neighbors are great! We feel so lucky and blessed to have bought a house on Barcelona Drive!

I took a lot of pictures yesterday, and they are on the laptop but not captioned or uploaded to the web yet. Eventually that will happen, so I can post a few here on the blog after that. I am hoping to do that Sunday, if not sooner.

Evey and Eric are having their day at sea today as they sail from Rome back to Barcelona. Tomorrow they will have a long flight home, first to somewhere on the east coast, then nonstop from there to San Francisco or San Jose. I can't really remember what airports they were using, just that it was two long flights. I bet they will be exhausted but happy when they get home. I can't imagine having to get up and go to work next week after such a wonderful trip! Still, they are young! They can do it. I can't wait for those pictures to get posted either. Maybe I will be able to share a few of their honeymoon pictures on the blog. Not sure how that would work, but Mark can probably help me with that.

Sorry this blog is so short and not too full of anything interesting! I have only a few minutes left to start running around all day! Bye Bye!

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