Thursday, September 22, 2011

Root Canal Tomorrow

Yeah, that's not fun. If you saw my own comment to yesterday's blog or my Facebook post, you already know that the dentist said I need a root canal in the tooth under the bridge. Turns out the molar at the back under the bridge already has a root canal in it, so now the other win will, too! LOL Pretty soon I'll have no living teeth at all. I think I've already had seven or more of them.

Our regular dentist does not do root canals, so she referred me to the endodontist that is part of their bigger practice. He has an office in Kissimmee not far from my cancer center. I called, but since he only has hours there on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, I could not get an appointment for two weeks. I told them that was OK, but what should I do if I find myself in severe pain and cannot wait. What is the emergency procedure then? Their answer was to go to a different office. Wow, no problem. So I'm going to have it tomorrow at the office about an hour away near Universal Studios. I don't mind driving, and Mark is going with me. I just am NOT looking forward to it AT ALL! Having had so many, I know exactly what I'm in for, and it's not going to be pretty.

Other than that, yesterday was a lot of fun. Not only did the new handyman clean out our dryer vent up in the attic (which apparently it needed desperately), but he also cleaned and bleached the floor under the washer and dryer, took out the stupid plumbing up to the fridge water supply and installed it correctly, and installed my new shower head. He's going to come back and take out the water filter that is under the kitchen sink. It's useless and takes up half the space under the cabinet. I might even get another shower head for him to install in the guest bathroom.

I also spent some time wrapping up lots of things for Evey and getting them shipped out. She had sent me home with a small box of things from the wedding that she didn't need to take on the honeymoon, like pairs of shoes, the Lenox cake topper, and some other odds and ends. Also in the house was a big box of objects, mostly glass or ceramics, that used to be in her old room. Somehow that box got overlooked when she was moving to California and ended up coming to Florida. I also had a large black hassock that was hers. All gone! Shipped off to California! Yay! Another little chore accomplished.

The Republican dinner last night was amazing. Herman Cain was a good speaker, and although we left early so I wouldn't miss Survivor (LOL!!), we got the gist of his speech. Because he is a presidential candidate, the place was packed. I even bought an autographed copy of his book to learn more about him. He's certainly no front-runner and probably won't get the party's nomination, but he was still interesting. Better yet, I ate only two small pieces of pizza and a small amount of the Greek salad. I don't like Greek salad anyway, so that was no hardship. There was supposed to be ice cream, but we had to leave before he finished speaking, so no ice cream for me.

I'm about to go to my cancer support group in 10 minutes. I haven't been there since the end of July, so it will be fun to see everybody again. I also have an eye doctor appointment at Lens Crafters for a regular exam and possibly buy new glasses. I saw this doctor last August and liked him a lot. Last year my eyes had not changed sufficiently for a new prescription, so I just got the exam and left. This time I think it's time for new frames, so I'll probably get something today. I hope they have something I like that doesn't cost an arm and a leg.

No movie for us at the Starlite Ballroom tonight because we've already seen it. We will have both lunch and dinner out today, so I'll do my best with the calories. I also will do my best to keep that tooth calm. It started to act up last night, so I took a big glass of whiskey again at bedtime. The dentist prescribed 800 mg of Motrin as needed for pain. I'm not going to bother filling that prescription since it's just as easy to pop four regular ibuprofen pills for the same effect. It definitely helps, and so does the whiskey!

In addition to all of this, if it's not raining this afternoon, we hope to have a few hours by the pool after the eye exam. Whew! Are you exhausted reading all this? Sometimes even I can't believe how much I do each day.


  1. Becky,
    You sure do do a lot in a day. I hope that the root canal isn't as bad as you expect. I will be thinking of you. I wish the dentist would give you some vicodin for pain (or at least Tylenol 3) Do you get nitrous oxide with your root canals. I have had a few root canals with nitrous oxide and it hasn't been too bad. I will be thinking of you tomorrow and hope that you start feeling less pain soon. The whiskey shot sounds like a great remedy for the tooth pain along with the pills. I will keep my eye out for that republican presidential candidate. I haven't heard of him before. I hope that your cancer support group was fun. I'm sure that your weight will start going better. Try to stay encouraged if you can. Maybe you won't like coconut candy anymore after getting sick from it.

  2. Ha Ha I think you are RIGHT about the coconut candy. Currently, I have NO interest in eating it ever again. My grandmother felt like that about chocolate ice cream. Everybody has something!

    My first room canal back in 1974 was with IV sedation. After that, all were only with novocaine. No dentist I happened to go to offered anything else. It's a long, tedious process involving many, many steps, burning things, pressure, UGH. I remember all the details. The last one I had literally caused tears to roll down my cheek as I silently endured it. I'm dreading today. I will right about it when I get back, I guess.

    As always, thanks for the kind words!! I'll let you know how it went. We are leaving in aboout 15 minutes.

  3. Oh, my, I can't even blame my thumbs on the phone or the auto correct feature for that typo. This is on the laptop and comments cannot be corrected, apparently. I meant to say, "I will WRITE about it..."

  4. Becky,
    Wow! I am so sorry that your dentist doesn't have nitrous oxide. I think that I will stay with my dentist for the rest of my life just because of nitrous oxide (aka laughing gas) You are not the only one who eats too much candy sometimes. I am not as big of a candy fan as I am of other things but if you tempt me with peeps or cotton candy. I love both of those alot and tend to overindulge in those two things.

    I just got back from talking to a dietician about a food sensitivity test for my son. It will be $800 if we can't convince our insurance to cover it but it sounds extremely promising. The dietician says he sounds like a poster child for food sensitivities with his set of symptoms. I am thrilled that we might be getting somewhere in figuring out how to best help him after 6 years of trying different tests and doctors. Well that is the best news I could have ever found out today.

    Maybe if you have to have any more root canals in the future the doctor will let you have a shot of whiskey before he starts if he isn't willing to supply nitrous oxide. At least if the root canal is too tough at least you can have a shot of whiskey when you get home for medicinal purposes. That should get you feeling better hopefully if you've had a rough day. I will be thinking of you.

  5. Oh I thought of one more tip in case it is helpful. How I got my dentist to allow the use of nitrous oxide anytime I go there is that I told him that I get very afraid at the dentist's office when I first started going there. It is true for some reason but if you are going to a new dentist that you don't know in Florida maybe the same thing would work for you. Seriously nitrous oxide makes anything they do seem not so bad.
