Tuesday, January 29, 2013

What to write....

I had a blast with Mark and Carol.  Then it's back to reality.

It's always hard to go back to normal after a vacation or visitors.  Yesterday, I kept extremely busy.  I had volunteered to sell tickets from 10 a..m. to 2 p.m. at the Farmer's Market.  The tickets were for a concert to raise money for the American Cancer Society Relay for Life.  My team is the Solivita Cancer Support Group.  That was my second day up there selling, and the concert is this Sunday afternoon.  Then I played Mah Jongg, winning only one game.  After that, I went to the gym for my weight routine and a brief walk (20 minutes), dinner, and a Starliters rehearsal from 7-9 p.m. 

I cut the walk short because from about noon until I went to bed I was feeling light-headed and somewhat dizzy. I have had that feeling before, and it usually goes away and doesn't interfere too much. I've been having it off and on for two years or so.  Sometimes I like to blame residual effects from chemo since I never remember having it until after that.  I told my family doctor once and he sent me for carotid artery sonograms, which were normal.  As long as I don't pass out and fall down, I can just live with it.

Today I'm going out to lunch at a restaurant in Haines City called The Port. I have not been there before, but my Mah Jongg ladies wanted to go as a group. I think there are eight of us going.  My neighbor, Luanne, is driving, so I'm riding with her.  I saw the menu and it looks great!  Mark and I really enjoy finding all these local restaurants.  Someone I met in Solivita once was complaining about the lack of good restaurants in the area.  Mark and I thought she was CRAZY because we are finding SO many more fun places to eat out than we ever had in Laurel, MD.  We especially appreciate all the wonderful places that serve fresh grouper and mahi mahi!  In Maryland, it was always about crabs.  LOL!

Meanwhile, tomorrow, when I report for Weigh-In Wednesday, it will be extremely BAD. I have gotten quite out of control.  The old binge-eating behaviors are taking over my brain. It's so hard to get out of that, so the weight is on an upward spiral. I will bravely report it accurately tomorrow.  I thought I was going to do ok yesterday, but I snacked at night too much.  In fact I did that the last two nights in a row. I hope to break that tonight. 

In preparation for today's big lunch out, I'm skipping breakfast.  Maybe that's stupid, but I'm just thinking about calories. I'm also not hungry yet, and I've been up for nearly three hours.  I guess all that late-night snacking is still in there digesting.  My big meal will be the restaurant today because Tuesday is always frozen dinner night so I can run off to Starliters at 7 p.m.  Mark buys me a frozen dinner that is always under 300 calories and I had a salad or a vegetable.  Then I just need to try to curb that late night snacking while I watch TV.  I'll let you know tomorrow how that goes!

Here are a few pictures from our last few days with Mark and Carol and our visit to the Magic Kingdom to have our picture taken with some of the Long Lost Friends.

Going over some last minute things about Mark's computer so it will talk to him.

On a walk around the lake.

Getting on the train.

With the Three Little Pigs and the big Bad Wolf.

With Ludwig von Drake and Scrooge McDuck.

Sharing my Mickey ice cream bar with Goofy.

Enjoying the rest of the ice cream in a rocking chair on Town Square.

Waiting for the tram to take us to our car.

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