Saturday, April 6, 2013

Found Money!

Last night I decided to clean out three purses that were in my closet but hadn't been used in a very long time.  I found five gift cards, but I couldn't remember what might be on them, if anything.  Today I called the numbers and discovered that I had just found $108.16!!  It pays to clean out your old purses now and then.

Yesterday, Mark and I both skipped lunch because we were in the ER.  Mark was told to have nothing by mouth, just in case, and I had nothing except a bottle of water and two little mandarin oranges.  We had our normal breakfast and dinner at home.  I was rewarded by that with a loss of a few pounds this morning.  Yay!

Today we had all three meals at home, went to the gym for the first time in a long while, and walked a mile and a quarter in 30 minutes.  I hope to be down another pound tomorrow.  That would be so nice.  I just feel so awful being in the 270s again.  I thought the 250s were bad and the 260s were worse, but seriously, I cannot stay in the 270s a day longer. 

The Mark update:  He woke up feeling kind of bad this morning, but after he ate some breakfast, he felt better.  All day he has said he is in no pain, but he just doesn't feel right.  After our visit to the ER, we are armed with more information that we had before.  I think that's good.  Still, until there is a definitive diagnosis and a plan of action, it's stressful. He is anxious and unsettled, worrying about what the colonoscopy might find and what the treatment might be.  I think that's a common reaction. 

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