Wednesday, January 13, 2016


At 10 a.m I have my annual check up with the ophthalmologist because of that retina that peeled off in 2012.  For the first year I went every few months, and then every nine months, and last time he put me on an annual basis.  Hopefully, all is well with that; it always has been. He also assesses the cataracts that are just starting to form.  I don't find much problem with night driving, so I don't think the cataracts have changed much.  I also plan to ask him about my drooping eyelid.  Sometimes on my right eye, I can barely keep it home and not from sleepiness!  It is really distracting sometimes.

I ate a lot at Cape May Monday night, but I actually lost a bit by Tuesday morning.  I was actually 275.6 yesterday morning, but I'm up a pound this morning.  I had a LOT of sodium yesterday.  We had the Big Catch Salad at Beef O'Brady's at our NARFE Board meeting yesterday, and it was very, very salty.  I had dinner at home, an excellent dinner under 300 calories.  Unfortunately, there was only a small bowl of the main dish that Mark made with nothing to go with it.  He always supplements his dinner calories with some walnuts and a glass of wine, but I prefer a salad and green veggie on the side. Unfortunately, we didn't have those.  And even more unfortunately then, I grazed the rest of the night.  I ate the rest of the bag of walnuts, half a bag of ancient and stale ballpark peanuts, a banana, and 4 little cups of sugar free jello plus hot tea with honey.  I have no idea how many calories were in the nuts, but I always eat a banana at night and the jello had almost nothing in it.  The worst part about the day was the sodium in the lunch salad and on the peanuts. I even licked the shells for extra salty goodness.  So I was not surprised to be up one pound today.  In fact, I was glad it was only one pound.

Today I plan to eat breakfast and lunch at home.  Dinner is still up in the air, but if we end up eating out then it will only be at Denny's, which always works well for me.

 The only other thing on my calendar for today, besides the morning eye doctor appointment, is a rehearsal at the synagogue tonight.  That should be great.  We did get some potentially bad news from the synagogue yesterday.  Our fabulous young rabbi, Hillel Skolnik, is probably leaving soon. He has the opportunity to take the position in Cleveland at his wife's childhood synagogue.  Her family is still in Cleveland at that shul, so all they travel a lot back and forth.  I'm sure they'd love to just live closer to her family.  Still, it is very sad for the rest of us because he is outstanding and he sings in my choir!  I shall miss him very much.

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