Saturday, May 28, 2011

More about our road trip.

As promised yesterday, here is a little about the rest of our road trip after Katie's graduation. Saturday after graduation we took a nice long walk along a new state park in Farmville. It's built on an old railroad site. Then we drove four hours up to Silver Spring, MD and had dinner out with Saul, Phyllis, and Georganne. It was fun hanging out with them before driving the rest of the way up to Cindy's house.

On Sunday, we took Lowell and Emily out to Camden Yards. The Orioles beat the Nationals in inter-league play, so that was a lot of fun. It was a little chilly at the stadium. We had lunch at the stadium with Lowell and Emily, but they had other plans for the evening. That left Mark and me free to go to David Chu's Kosher Chinese Bistro for dinner. Yum! I only ate half, so Mark and I split it for lunch on Tuesday.

Mark was busy Monday getting the 35 tote bins of comics wrapped and ready for pick up. I drove to Laurel to get the car washed and gassed up, do some shopping, and go to two banks. It felt very ordinary doing errands in Laurel all day. The truck to pick up the comics couldn't come until Wednesday morning, so that left us free to go see the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie Tuesday afternoon. It was really good.

One of the best parts of the trip was just hanging out with Cindy again. I really enjoy talking with her over coffee in the morning and sharing Mark's delicious home-cooked dinner with her when she gets home from work. We had a great time with her! Thanks, Cindy, for allowing us to sleep over again. Wednesday and Thursday we had uneventful drives south to our home. Then came my long day yesterday with the lymphedema therapist, which I already wrote all about.

Today we went to shul, which was pleasant. Then I watched two episodes of Glee online. Mark took a much-needed two hour nap. When he woke up, we took a 30 minute walk then splashed in the pool for half an hour or so before coming home for dinner tonight and TV. I wore my compression sleeve and gauntlet all day yesterday and all day today. When I took it off to go to the pool, I was unhappy. It is creating a sore inside my elbow, and the squeezing around the wrist is so tight that there are deep indentations. I don't see how this can be a good thing. I'm not supposed to wear tight clothing or tight bracelets or rings. Isn't the compression sleeve basically being that tight bracelet? I'm not supposed to get cuts or insect bites on my skin and yet now I have a round open sore inside my elbow from the compression sleeve rubbing it for two days straight. Also because the gauntlet does not have fingers (I'll be getting the new one with fingers in about a week and a half), the knuckles and fingers of my hand were all swollen. I really think it's doing more harm than good. I don't plan on wearing it again until I can talk to the therapist on Tuesday. I did my five massage exercises four times today. I do believe those help. I also kept to 1100 calories today, 1700 yesterday. I think I should show a nice weight drop in the morning. Unfortunately we are eating lunch tomorrow at a kosher deli, so I'll have to watch myself. We plan to have dinner at Denny's, which is usually OK for me.

I'm going to check my weight in the morning because I feel like I've dropped a little since Tuesday. Tuesday I was 249 again, which is what I weighed three weeks ago when I joined Weight Watchers. The first week on WW I lost 3 pounds; the second week I gained one; the third week I gained two. Voila! Back where I started.

I hope everyone is having a great Memorial Day Weekend. Stop for a minute and remember the many service men and women who gave their lives for the defense of our country and pray for the many out there still in harm's way.

1 comment:

  1. Becky,
    I think you are doing the right thing to keep your compression sleeve off til you talk to your lymphedema therapist. I hope that you have a wonderful holiday weekend!
