Friday, October 21, 2011

Another wonderful day for many reasons.

Last night's Simchat Torah parade was nice, but in the old days I remembered there used to be over a 100 people and a lot of kids. Last night there were 35 people and maybe 4 or 5 kids. Then this morning, the services were fine, but again not the crowd that we remembered. Oh, well...

Afterwards we went back to Annie and Marc's house and enjoyed another delicious lunch courtesy of Annie. Her Marc and my Mark had a lot of time for nice conversation before Marc had to go back to work. Arlene, Robin, Annie, and I played Mahj for awhile and then Debbie joined us. I won only one game, thanks to Robin throwing me the tile she knew I needed. Thanks, Robin! Otherwise I would not have won anything today. Of course, I returned the favor to her later. After two days of Mahj, about three or four hours worth each day, I think we are all glad we are NOT playing again tomorrow. LOL!! Thanks, ladies, for coming out to play with me. It was wonderful!!

Tonight we are having dinner back at Jeff and Sara's house with the Herschlers, Oreskys, Frank P. and Sheila A. Sheila's husband Don just has quadruple bypass surgery yesterday and is doing very, very well. Thank God!

No exercise and lots of food. Yikes. It's not going to be a fun time on the scale when I get on the ship. I'm going to weigh myself Monday morning in the ship's gym. I bet it will be way up. I can do nothing else except try to eat less and exercise more. So far, I'm not doing that. LOL. I'm eating more and exercising less. Ha Ha!! Not the right direction at all. Ha Ha!!

One more bit of good news: No doctor called me today. That's the good news. I had blood drawn for the tumor marker test on Monday. The oncologist said the results would be back in a day or two and if I didn't hear from her by today then I could assume it was normal. OK, no phone call means I'm still NED, No Evidence of Disease! Whoo Hoo!! I'm good for another four months.

Well, all the guests have arrived at the Rosens. Dinner will be served pretty soon. It will be time to do kiddush and get ready for Shabbat. Have a peaceful and restful Shabbat, everyone.


  1. You, too, Becky. It was great seeing you! Have fun on the cruise.

  2. Thanks, Robin. Can't wait for you to come visit us in April.
