Friday, October 7, 2011

Outside Hearts

This morning, as we do every morning, Mark and I turned on Good Morning America at 7 a.m. Each day this week they are doing flashbacks to pop culture from the '80s. Today's show is going to focus on one of our favorite films, thanks to Evey's teen-aged obsession, Princess Bride. The cast is being reunited for interviews, or at least all of the cast that is still with us since we know Andre, the Giant passed away years ago as well as Peter Falk. That movie had a great cast, so we are sitting here in front of the TV right now eagerly anticipating this segment.

Meanwhile earlier in the hour they did another segment on Steve Jobs and his last days. He spent the last months saying good bye to family and friends. How incredibly sad for all of them. At least he had the time to do these good byes, but it must have been so hard for him to say and them to hear. The show quoted one thing Jobs said to a friend about his kids that made me tear up and pierced my heart. It's so true, but I'd never heard it said like this before. I don't think I'll ever forget it. He said, "Once you have kids your heart is forever outside of your body." Wow! Profound and true! I know that every one of you reading this blog who is a parent will understand that quote.

Yesterday I changed the look of the blog just for fun. Blogspot had been suggesting I take a look at the new options for days now, so I finally had the time to poke around at all of the new templates. There was no reason why I had to change anything, and I think I can put it back if everyone hates it. If you can post a comment (and I know that's a big IF because even my tried and true posters haven't been able to get one out lately), please let me know what you think of the new look. You might have noticed the slide show got moved to the side and that the little things at the bottom (rabbit pictures, NASA news, and health tips) are all gone. I took them off because they didn't come in properly on this new page and also brought ads in with them. I have tried to avoid having ads on my blog. Since I'm not trying to make money from it, I see no reason to clutter it up with ads.

I got a lot of comments about the content of my blog yesterday in private emails. Thanks to those of you who gave me feedback. I'm glad I touched your hearts with my words.

Today is going to be a busy day leading up to Kol Nidre tonight. We are going to do water aerobics, get Mark's car jiffy-lubed, pick up my new pair of glasses at The Loop, have lunch out during all these errands, buy some challahs, pick up fresh fruits and veggies at the Farmer's Market, and cook and eat a big dinner (our last meal for about 27 hours), all before we have to leave at 5:40 p.m. to drive to the synagogue for Kol Nidre services. As I often say, "WHEW!!! I'm exhausted just typing up my agenda for the day, let alone doing it all." Well, I'd best get started by having breakfast, showering and dressing, so we can head out and get this started. I wish everyone a great day and an easy fast. I will blog again when Yom Kippur is over.

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