Monday, October 10, 2011

Happy Columbus Day

When I was working in the Baltimore County school system, Columbus Day just sort of came and went like any other Monday. Teachers and students there do not get that day off. In fact, I never had it off as a kid either in the Anne Arundel or Prince George's County schools. Our kids never had it off either in the JDS unless it happened to coincide with a Jewish holiday. As a federal employee, Mark always had the day off and celebrated it alone. He remembers that the Italian community in Baltimore held a parade, but sometimes it was on the weekend instead of the Monday holiday. Mark would watch the parade on TV if it was shown, and sometimes he looked for movies to watch about Columbus, although back in those days our cable system wasn't as extensive as now making it hard to find an appropriate movie.

As a child in Brooklyn, NY, he said the holiday was a big deal in the Italian community. He can't remember for sure if his schools were closed, although he said he's tempted to say they were, but he does remember that there were lots of parades.

What I remember about Columbus Day was looking forward to dinner that night. Mark would always make something Italian, often followed up with spumoni ice cream, which I love. Tonight he is making a low-carb, low-calorie Hungry Girl recipe involving vegetarian pepperoni on an egg, sort of a "pizza." There will be no spumoni either. On the other hand, I'm home now on the holiday, so maybe I'll find a parade or a movie about Columbus to watch. It had better be over by 1 p.m., though, because then it's time for Mah Jongg.

Does anyone reading this blog celebrate Columbus Day?

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