Thursday, July 5, 2012

Cattle Dogs RULE!

I had a wonderful time at the Fourth of July party that I sort of foisted on everybody.  Since I knew we were going to be up here for the holiday, I sent out an email months ago trying to see who would be having a cookout that we could crash.  Denise and Kip took the bait and hosted a fabulous party!  There were 13 people and enough food for 113!

Denise made a fantastic cole slaw and corn on the cob to go with all the many, many types of meat (both kosher and non-kosher) that Kip grilled.  She also made her famous pretzel salad, served for dessert, that was amazing, as well as red, white, and blue!

Besides over-eating, which I'm pretty sure EVERYBODY did, playing with dogs and watching the musical 1776, were the two main activities.  Both were fabulous and also enjoyed by EVERYBODY!

I did get on the scale this morning, and it was not pretty.  I knew it would be bad after what I've been consuming since we left Florida.  I have hit a new high for the last several months.  Up here in MD I don't have my book where I log all the weights down, so I can't go back and compare and find exactly where I hit this weight, but I know it's been a long time.  It was probably around March!  Anything I lost recently has definitely found its way back.  I am in an out-of-control eating phase right now.  When this trip is over, I will have four weeks at home before we leave for the west coast.  I can only hope to undo some of this damage before the next three week vacation comes up.  The lack of exercise isn't helping. Now I have Mark's cold, UGH, and I pulled the small of my back somehow two days ago.  That's been keeping me moving slowly and carefully so as not to hurt it anymore.  It's showing improvement this morning, but I'm not ready to run around the block yet!  It's also over 100 degrees up here every day.  In fact on Saturday it's predicted to hit 108!  Unimaginable for Maryland at this time of the summer.  Crazy.

So here's the weight, and it's really sad to report.  I have gained NINE pounds this week.  My blog says that last Wednesday I was an even 247.  Well, this morning I was an even 256.  Just so sad.  I did have fun eating everything, but I sure did NOT have fun looking at that number on the scale this morning.

I will be eating dinner out at a birthday party tonight (more about that tomorrow), and at friends' houses Friday and Saturday.  I'll be eating in a restaurant Sunday for lunch and dinner.  Then Monday we head to NJ for a cookout at the Gaertner's house.  Lots more great eating awaits me!  LOL!

Just in case you are reading this and were not one of the ones that got the whole photo album and are not on Facebook, where I posted some of the album, here's a chance to see some cute photos of Kip and Denise's three Australian Cattle Dogs!  Oh, yeah, there are cute pictures of Mark, Kip, Denise, Lowell and Emily, too!


  1. Becky,
    I just read yesterday and today's blogs and I love them. I am sorry that you hurt your back.I hope that it gets to feeling better soon. Pain is so horrible!!! If you can't get relief from advil could you visit an urgent care clinic and get something stronger so that you could travel in comfort? I will be saying a prayer that your cold and back get better soon. It looks like according to your blog that you gained several pounds in the last 2 days. I am hoping that they come off for you as quickly as they came on so that you can get back to where you were last Wednesday in weight. I haven't written much to you lately but I think of you everyday. I will write you more in an email when you get back home. Hope the rest of your trip is lots of fun .

  2. Thanks, Rhonda, always good advice! I am thinking that part of the rapid rise in the last few days is from all the red meat. I always find red meat packs it on, plus Chinese food has so much sodium in it. We will see. Today my breakfast and lunch will be at home and the dinner will be a vegetarian, sort of light, dinner. Maybe tomorrow will look a bit better. I hope you are doing well and look forward to a newsy email sometime later.
