Saturday, July 28, 2012

Gators and Tonga Toast

Here are the pictures from Wednesday and Thursday that I promised.  Some of you got these pictures already in an email.  For those who didn't, enjoy! 

Yesterday was a great day.  Mark had no problems using our vision insurance at WalMart. He liked the people there and the selection. Our insurance covered about half of the total costs.  He will have his new glasses next Friday morning.  The rest of the day was at the pool and then dinner and an ice cream social in the ballroom.  OY!  We ate so much.  I should have taken a picture of that food!  What I ate for lunch and dinner must have had a lot of calories and sodium.  I'm up three pounds today.

Today we will be leaving for shul in just a few minutes.  After shul, there's a luncheon pool party with the Solivita Shalom Club.  We are members, but we haven't done very many activities with them.  Mostly we don't because they do things like this, have a luncheon party on Shabbat when tonight begins Tisha B'Av and we have to go back to shul.  ERG!  They are ethnic but not religious!  Anyway, it was paid in advance, so we thought we would participate.  It's from noon to 4, but because our shul is so far away we can't even get there until 1.  We're just hoping some of the lunch food that is vegetarian is still left.  They don't order kosher meat.  ERG again! 

Tonight my little fledgling SOJC choir will sing "By the Waters of Babylon" in a four part round as part of the Tisha B'Av services, starting at 9:30 tonight.  There are nine of them singing tonight, and I think they'll be great!  Tomorrow is a big fast, like Yom Kippur, no food or water from sundown tonight to sundown tomorrow. Mark always fasts like that, so we won't be doing anything except hanging around the house tomorrow.  Very low key day until he can eat a late dinner. 

Meanwhile, here are those pictures! 

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