Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Hair and Make-up

Mark and I have our first dress rehearsal this morning at 9:30 for the radio drama, It's a Wonderful Life.  There isn't an  audience today, as there will be for the next two dress rehearsals on Thursday and Friday, but the photographer is coming. and make-up today.  Hey, it is Halloween today, after all, so maybe I can just pretend I'm putting on my Halloween costume.

We got up at 6 a.m. in order to have some time for me to figure out a 1946 hairstyle.  I should have been looking that up sooner than this morning.  I looked at some pictures.  I know they did pin curls, and I do have about a dozen bobby pins.  I also have a blow dryer, courtesy of Barbara K.  But I hate doing hair.  I have no interest in it at all.  I know I am supposed to do something, but I am writing this blog instead of playing with bobby pins and hair dryers.  UGH.

My hair and nail salon lady used to be a professional musician who played piano and sang in nightclubs.  She said she has some wigs that might work, so on Thursday, after the morning dress rehearsal, I'm meeting her to try on a few.  I'm hoping that one is the right style and that it fits.  That would make the final dress rehearsal and three performances go much more smoothly.

OK, now for the weigh-in. Not as good as I wanted because I did overeat a few days.  There were crackers in the pantry, and I finished them off the last two days.  I had some candy corn yesterday because it was National Candy Corn day.  Mark even ate some.  I really only ate, literally, one serving.  Does anyone know how many that is?  Well, Mark ate FOUR pieces, but I ate 21 pieces.  That's one serving.  I actually counted them out and put them in a little bowl.

I am 258.6, which is nearly a three pound loss for the week.  I shouldn't be too upset except that I know I had gone down lower in the middle of the week and then put some back.  OK, forget it and get move on to another week.  Anything can happen and hopefully it will be something good.

As I'm typing this, I'm also watching the TV news showing more pictures of Sandy's devastation.  It's even worse looking than the pictures they showed during the storm.  Unbelievable.  The Jersey Shore is just GONE!  Crazy.  So much destruction and a lot of lives lost due to the storm.  I know everyone will bounce back, but it's going to take so much money and so much time.  So sad for everyone who lost their homes and loved ones.  My heart goes out to everyone up  there.

Happy Halloween for those who are having Trick-or-Treating tonight.  This is our second Halloween down here, and no one will bring children to the door here.  We have bought no candy, other than the one small bag of candy corn yesterday. (I have already eaten all the Halloween candy I collected at the Magic Kingdom.)  I think there's a big costume party up at the Village tonight in the ballroom, but we are not going.  I'm looking forward to the night off!  I was up there Monday and Tuesday nights for rehearsals.

After our dress rehearsal, we will come home and take our costumes and make-up off, cook up some kosher hot dogs, dress up in cowboy outfits (not hard for Mark! LOL) and head up to the baseball fields.  The ladies' and men's softball teams are playing a co-ed game  to raise money for the American Cancer Society Relay for Life.  They are playing as the Cowboys and  Indians and the "fans" are encouraged to dress up as one or the other to cheer on "their" team.  Guess which ones we are doing?  Ha ha!  For a $5 donation you get the game and lunch, which is a hot dog, chips, and a can of soda.  We are bringing our own hot dogs, but we'll make the donation and get the soda and chips.  Even though we will miss several innings because of the rehearsal, it should still be fun.  Hey, it's an opportunity to dress up in a costume TWICE today for Halloween.

Enjoy your day no matter where you are or what you are doing, even if you are in the Northeast.

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