Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Two good days in a row.

Yesterday went as planned: 30 minute walk, 1100 calories,  no grazing or snacking.

For behaving myself for two full days, I have been rewarded with a five pound loss.  This morning I weighed 246.  If only losing weight could continue at this rate forever...

Of course, weight loss does NOT continue like that.  I have probably lost five pounds of water that I gained last week with lots of eating out and higher sodium foods.  I know that, so when it starts to slow down, I need to stick to the plan anyway.  It always works, given enough time. 

The plan for today is simple: stick to IT!  LOL!  Seriously, here's today's plan:
1. go to the gym and lift weights for at least 15 minutes
2. take a 30 minute walk
3. eat dinner out

It's number three that is a biggy today.  I'm actually going to eat dinner out alone tonight because Mark has a meeting here in Solivita and I have the SOJC choir over by WDW.  We are also going together to Downtown Disney today between lunch and dinner to attend a book-signing.  We expect the line to be long, so we will head over after lunch to get a place in line for the 4 p.m. event.  Originally, Mark was going to choir with me, so we were going to eat dinner out together at our favorite buffet, Sweet Tomatoes.  Now we are taking two cars over, and he's heading home for a quick dinner at the Bistro before attending a meeting in the ballroom.  That leaves me alone over by WDW for dinner before my choir rehearsal.

The plan now is to skip Sweet Tomatoes.  The potential for a healthy dinner is there because it's a huge salad bar and several types of vegetarian soups, but it's a buffet.  I'm not so good at not going back for seconds, thirds, fourths, you get the idea.  Instead I'm going to go to Denny's because I feel I can control that better by myself.  I know what to order and how many calories it has.  I can control it and there are no seconds.  If I go to Denny's, dinner is easy to order and calculate.  Here's my plan for dinner:
1. A build your own Grand Slam that consists of four items:
      2 orders of scrambled egg whites for 100 calories (50 calories each order)
      English Muffin with one packet of margarine for 180 calories (130 muffin, margarine 50)
      Fruit cup for  70 calories
2. Garden Salad with no dressing for 120 calories
3. Two extra sides:
      steamed broccoli for 25 calories
      sauteed zucchini and squash for 60 calories  (I could get these steamed for only 15 calories, but I like the taste of the sauteed and can afford those extra calories.)

Dinner is then only 555 calories, healthy, and BIG.  I still like lots of food to feel full and to make me feel like I ate something substantial. I think this will do it.  I have never actually ordered this combination of foods before, but I've eaten all of them separately with other things in the past.  I got all the calorie counts off the Denny's nutritional information website.  This will mostly likely cost a fortune because of ordering the salad and sides a la carte. I don't care!  The price is worth the reward of a healthy, low-calorie dinner. 

Breakfast and lunch will be at home and should be fine, pending no last minute grazing!

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