Monday, March 31, 2014


I'm wearing my Orioles t-shirt all day today, the one with Markakis' name on the back. He plays right field. The opening game is at 3:30 in Baltimore, and Mark and I will be watching.  He will watch the whole thing, but I can only watch until 5:30 or so when I have to head up to the ballroom for the Starliters rehearsal. 

Another exciting thing about today is that it will be the first day I can play Mah Jongg in many weeks, and we will be using the NEW CARD!  That's always an exciting day.

It's also the beginning of HELL WEEK for the Starliters show.  We are moving into the ballroom for the entire week; the stage extension will be up; the tech crew will have installed the actual sound system; the lights will be used.  It will feel completely different.  Although we don't have to wear all of our costumes today or tomorrow, we do have to use any accessories that could affect lighting plus wear the shoes that we will use.  For me, this means wearing a wig and heels tonight.  Oy!

AND I had a good weigh-in, 242.  I am down a whopping NINE pounds for the week.  Geez, that was a great week. I know that the first four were lost in the first two days, and that was just water retention weight.   The next five were over the next five days.  That's an amazing week. 

This week is looking very, very good for weight loss.  Because it's hell week, I have rehearsals Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday.  The show is Saturday, Sunday, and next Monday.  That will keep me busy and out of the kitchen!  LOL!  Very little time to be naughty.  LOL!  It also means that all of my meals will be home this week with only one exception, lunch at Outback on Thursday for the monthly NARFE meeting.  At that meeting, I always have a salad, grilled tilapia, and steamed veggies.  As long as I don't eat the loaf of bread and butter, it's a great lunch.  I feel confident that Mark and I will say no to the bread.

I will also go to the gym for weight lifting and take a walk this morning before lunch.  It's going to be a great day!  If I have as good a week as I expect to have, there is an excellent chance that I could report a number in the 230s next week.  Wouldn't that be nice?

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