Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Naughty weight and Fast Days

Yes, I packed my scale! I'm up four and a half pounds since last Tuesday. Today I am 251.6, last week 247.1 I know it's because there was travel to NC and CA and lots of out of control restaurant eating and snacking. I know what I'm doing wrong, but I don't seem to be able to stop myself.

There are many reasons to regain control, but there are two top priorities. First, there is the WEDDING! If I don't maintain around 247, I will not fit into the dress. These pounds MUST go in less than a month. Second, there is the lymphedema. If I gain much weight, it just gets worse. My therapist showed me the charts and graphs to prove how that works. I get it, but I keep eating. I am a sick puppy.

Today is a Jewish Fast Day, Tisha B'Av. In the past, Mark has always observed this fast completely, even on days that he had to go to work. It's like the Yom Kippur fast, no food or water for over 24 hours. I never had to go to work on this day, but it sometimes was my birthday. I have not had a long tradition of observing this fast. Mark is now on so much medication for his diabetes and his heart that I do not think he should fast anymore. He is almost agreeing, but he keeps waffling a bit. I think the last word last night was that he would skip some meds, not eat, but drink water. If for no other reason, I should fast today with him for the weight loss!

Today we are not busting ourselves running around. We are going to the pool for a long, slow day of relaxing. This makes fasting a little easier, but it also makes drinking a lot of water absolutely essential. I hope Mark does, indeed, drink water. He never drinks much of anything except coffee, whiskey, and wine, but maybe today he'll try to get more water down, especially if there isn't anything else coming.

My big plan for today is to finish the Macguire book, Mirror, Mirror. It is really great, a fast read. I hope to do some actual swimming for exercise as well. Maybe when I get on the scale tomorrow, it will be back in the 240s.

PS Well, I "fasted" from 5:40 a.m. until about 8:30 a.m. Does that count? Then I went down to the Red Lion Inn's "Roaring Start" breakfast buffet where I had scrambled eggs, herbed breakfast potatoes, a light blueberry yogurt, and a bowl of fresh melon. I took a banana back to the room for tonight. I know this is too many calories for weight loss, but hopefully, it's not too many so there is no weight gain. There will be a walk and a swim later today, too. Mark sat and watched. So far he has had nothing, not even water or pills. How does he do it?


  1. Okay, Becky. You've lost weight before--and you're having a hard time now. What's different? Problem is you really look great in all the pix--weight and all--think it's your smile and aura that you have. But it's your health! Think you have to focus on that. It helped for me to have a goal--I had 3 weeks to lose the 5 pounds that I didn't want showing up in the wedding pix. So I basically said I could focus my energy for 3 weeks. Lots of water, no snacking after dinner and no grazing on my favorite distracters (challah especially). Exercise and eating sensibly, too. It worked. And yes, I've gained a couple of the pounds back--I lost my focus. But really, you know you can do it. I know you can do it. So, yeah, just do it. Sorry, didn't mean to get preachy. Everyone has their own success story. Go back to yours. It's a good one!

  2. Preaching is good. I think I need to be preached at right now!
    I walked about 30 minutes today. I tried to eat a bit better, but I had more breakfast and lunch than I needed. I had no snacks between meals and dinner was a good choice. I'll check the scale in the morning and try to hang in there. You are right that I need the focus.

  3. Or the doctor that scared the ... out of you the last time! :)

  4. Yeah, where's the scary doctor when I need him?
