Thursday, August 11, 2011

Wine, vodey-odey...

Mark and I have spent most of the last two days just relaxing by the pool and dipping in the "warm" pool. Whoee! I was in heaven. This place has a pool that is kept at body temperature next to the hot tub. I figured I could use that! I'm not allowed in the hot tubs because I'm not supposed to raise my body temperature up, but if the warm pool is kept at 98, how could that raise me up? It was heaven to swim until I got chilled and then sit in the warm pool. Very nice. We have really enjoyed the 90-something degree temperatures with NO humidity and a light breeze. It's amazing weather here.

I also did get a bit of a suntan. I know I'm not supposed to, but it was hard to avoid. LOL

On Tuesday I did take a nice long walk, but yesterday I just swam. Even though I ate a Denny's dinner that wasn't too bad last night, I ate too much breakfast and fries at lunch both Tuesday and Wednesday. I'm up another .6 today to 252.2. I was actually surprised because I had gone down to 249 yesterday morning from Tuesday's 251.6. I expected to be the same this morning.

I guess it was the cheese and crackers at the California Wine Tasting we attended. I ate way too much cheese and crackers compared to the small amount of wine I drank. I don't really like wine to begin with and I usually don't do wine tastings because they are wasted on me. This one seemed like fun since it was a "Tour of California." They had six wines, two reds and four whites, from various California wineries. Mark actually tried four of the six. I had three glasses, two were the same one, an orange muscat that was supposed to be sweet but wasn't anywhere near as sweet as I would have liked. I also tried one of the two chardonnays, which I liked better than the muscat. Mark had the muscat, the chardonnay, a cabernet, and something called old vine. He didn't like any of them. I didn't mind the chardonnay, but I wouldn't go order it or buy a bottle. The cheese and crackers were better than the wine!

Well, this morning we are checking out of the Red Lion Inn here in Rancho Cordova and tonight we'll be at the EconoLodge in Santa Clara, just a few minutes from Evey's apartment. During the day we will tour Old Sacramento and possibly take a river cruise. Hopefully, I'll have time tomorrow to post some pictures and talk about Old Sac, as the locals call it.


  1. Becky,

    I was excited to see you were near Rancho Cordova! When I was in the "Chemo Angel" program, my main "Angel" lives in Rancho Cordova. I just got a picture postcard from her yesterday. When I was in the program I got cards of encouragement from her 2 times a week and she sent the loveliest token gifts.

    I do like wine but have read alcohol (all kinds) spikes increased chances of recurrence in breast cancer so I've avoided it somewhat. I will have a glass for special occasions but not usually more frequently now. You read everything but I try not to pay attention to all of it. Some of it seems voodoo to me.

    We are leaving in a month or so to drive out to Maine to see our daughter and grand-kids. I've got a cute little coastal cottage rented as their house is small. I know the trip will exhaust me (I still tire so easily and some days the amount of sleep I take shocks me!) and we are so looking forward to that. I had a great checkup last week with my surgeon and will have my mammograms in Oct. Becky, enjoy yourself. I love reading your blog so much. You and Mark are a delight and I love reading of your travels and things you see and do.


  2. You're only about an hour and half away from Calistoga, where you could go see Tom Seaver's vineyard / winery. To get in, just tell them you're a personal friend of Jimmy Qualls.

  3. Oh, and by the way, Becky, I enjoyed the musical reference (I've only heard that sung by Jerry Lee Lewis -- do you know another version?)
