Saturday, April 28, 2012

Beautiful days

I promised to talk about two things, Starliter awards and Magic Kingdom, and I will.  I also need to talk about my trip to the GYN/ONC.

Let's start with the ONC visit on Thursday.  Good news!  The most recent ultrasound that I had showed that the mass on the left ovary has shrunk by one-tenth of a centimeter, not a lot but it is still shrinkage.  It also shows conclusively that it is a fluid-filled cyst, the benign kind, with no doubt.  My uterine lining is also now of normal size.  All is good!  I don't have to worry or check on it anymore.  That's what we want to hear! 

Now to the fun stuff!  At the cast party Tuesday night for the Starliters show, I won three awards!  I didn't even know they were doing awards.  They actually set it up like the Academy Awards with nominations in various categories.  The winners came up and got certificates and one trophy for the group to share.  My three awards were in these categories:
1. The Ensemble with Rehearsal Longevity: The winner is "The Wedding Singer."  There were 11 of us in that ensemble, the largest one that they ever did.  We started rehearsing the first week of January.
2. The Finest Final Pose:  The winner is "Friends on Broadway."  There were 6 women in that one and we did a cutesy pose at the end.  I guess that's why we won this one.
3. The Best Audience Response:  The winner is "Do You Love Me?," my duet with Tom.  We got huge applause and a standing ovation one of the nights.  I actually got to take the trophy home for this one!  I think I'll give it to Tom to share in the fall.

Mark and I really enjoyed the dinner, the company, the awards show, and the rough cut DVD of the show that they ran afterwards.  All in all, it was a very lovely cast party.

On Wednesday, Mark and I spent the day at the Magic Kingdom. I wanted to have some time to do the new Sorcerer's of the Magic Kingdom card game. Mark has done it a lot and is a "master sorcerer."  He's actually completed the game because he went over several evenings while I was at the Starliters. Now it was my turn. I did two game sets, one in Main Street and one in Fantasyland.  It's a lot of fun, but if I was a vacationer with only a day or two to spend in the Magic Kingdom, I would not take the time to do this game. For people like us, it's a lot of fun to add something new to do there.

We also saw a fantastic magic show in the ballroom last night.  Today we went to shul and then went to our rabbi's house for lunch.  That was very nice.  I think I even controlled myself and didn't eat too much. Afterwards, we went to the pool for a few hours.  What a great day!


  1. I am so happy about your news at the gynecological oncologist. That is fantastic.

    Congratulations on the good day of eating yesterday at your rabbi's house.

    Congratulations on your awards.

    Have a great day today.

  2. Thanks, Rhonda! Your congrats mean more to me than you can know. I truly appreciate it.
