Thursday, April 26, 2012

So much to say

I didn't have a chance to write a blog yesterday, so I have 48 hours of "stuff" to talk about today.  So much stuff!

First, let me report that Mark really enjoyed the auditions on Tuesday for the radio drama.  He came home around 12:15 that afternoon just flying from having so much fun. He said that even if he didn't get a part in the show the audition time was worth it for the fun factor that morning.  Well, he DID get a part.  He will be playing George, the Head Angel, in It's a Wonderful Life, done as a radio drama.  I am very proud of him, and I know he will have a great time during October when the rehearsals run three days a week!  The show will be performed four times as a dinner theater the first weekend in November.  Hey, if the menu is good, I'll go all four nights!

Second, let me report that the surgeon does NOT need to drain the seroma in the left breast.  Let's all breathe a huge sigh of relief.  I was very, very happy to hear that. I liked this surgeon very much, so now I "have" a surgeon in case there is a need for one in the future.  He also told me some more interesting things about my particular seroma and seromas in general.  My oncologist had told me that it had basically stayed the same from last July to January on the two ultrasounds.  She was pleased that it had stayed the same, but she still wanted it seen by the surgeon in case he felt it was big enough to need draining. 

Here's where it gets interesting. The surgeon showed me the actual written reports.  The damn thing had SHRUNK, not stayed the same.  Last July it was 3 cm by 1 cm.  In January it was 2.5 by 0.7.  Definitely smaller.  Why did the onc say it hadn't changed?  Anyway, he drew a picture for me of the size and shape.  Bigger than I imagined that would be. He pointed it out in the breast, which I would have guessed because of the texture.  He said that because it's shrinking, he would not recommend draining it at this time. I said a BIG YAY!!!!  He also said that if it's drained, it's painful, so he doesn't do it unless absolutely necessary.  Let's all hope it doesn't become necessary.  He also said that the radiation causes them. I didn't know that really. He also said that if it got bigger it's a concern because (and these are his exact, medical words) it means "there's trouble brewing in there."  LOL!  I really liked this guy.

Anyway, I have another ultrasound scheduled for the end of July.  Hopefully it has shrunk some more!

Third, I didn't have a chance to write about Weigh-in Wednesday yesterday, although  I did get on the scale and record my weight in my notebook and in my phone app, LoseIt!.  I weighed 251.5 yesterday morning.  Oh, YEAH!  That's fantastic! Last Wednesday I reported a weight of 257, so I have had a five and a half pound loss.  I'm pretty excited about that, but I won't really be satisfied until I'm back in the 240s for awhile.  My goal is a modest 220 right now. I can be there by Thanksgiving, but there's lots of company coming and travel to do in between then and now!  LOL! 

Fourth and fifth (Starliter awards and Magic Kingdom day) will have to wait until tomorrow. If I'm going to make the 10 a.m. meeting of my cancer support group, I need to stop typing on this laptop and get myself ready to leave in about half an hour.  I'll be sure to write again tomorrow to tell you all the good news about awards and MK.  Enjoy your day!


  1. I have to make a correction to the blog! George is the main character. Mark is playing Joseph, the Head Angel. Oops.

  2. Becky,
    What a great day for good news! I am very happy that your surgeon's appt went well. Congratulations to your husband for getting the part he tried out for and congratulations to you on your weight loss!
