Monday, April 30, 2012

Turning the Tables

Sunday we had a good time going to a movie at Downtown Disney.  We saw The Raven, which starred John Cusack.  I've always been a big fan of his.  In this movie, set in Baltimore, he plays Edgar Allen Poe in his last days.  An evil man is killing people by acting out Poe's stories, so the police enlists his help in solving the crime.  Great movie!

Then we went to lunch at Pollo Campero and had vegetarian chili before heading to Epcot.  We enjoyed some time at the Flower and Garden Festival, especially in the butterfly house. I held a gigantic orange butterfly on my finger!  We also went to the concert of Chuck Negron, formerly an original member of Three Dog Night.  Lots of fun.

Now for today.  Mark and I turned the tables on each other.  He had the doctor's appointment, and I sat in the waiting room.  He saw a dermatologist for three suspicious moles on the back of his legs.  The doctor took biopsies of all three, and we should know the results in about a week.  We can even get them online!  If they are benign, which the doctor thinks they are, he can cancel the next appointment he made for three weeks from now.  If they show anything, then he'll have the entire mole removed.  We are not really worried about it, but it will be good once we know for sure.

I took him out to lunch at Beef O'Brady's, a restaurant I have been wanting to try. Mark went there several times for NARFE meetings and said the vegetable bowl was good. He was right; it was good.  Then we tried to look up the calories online and found it contained a whopping 1079!!  I really don't understand how that could be.  Even considering that I left off the poblano cream sauce, mine probably still had 900 calories.  Ridiculous.  Next time, I'd better check the calories online BEFORE I order something like that. 

I made up for it by going to the gym and doing my weight routine for 15 minutes, walking 33 minutes, and swimming 15 minutes.  I also ate only four ounces of grilled chicken on leafy veggies for dinner, under 200 calories.  I'm still going to make my calorie count for the day, but it was just such a shock to see that an innocent looking vegetable bowl was so high in calories.

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