Saturday, June 2, 2012

Froggy Went A-Courtin' and Lizard Sex

Yeah, that's a title that's gonna drag in the readers!  Right?

I'll start with the second.  When I was having my mani/pedi on Thursday afternoon, I looked out the window of the salon and saw a big lizard.  Well, big for the little Florida lizards that are all over down here.  He was puffing out his red throat and bobbing up and down.  I find them adorably cute, so I was just staring at him while the technician was filing my nails.  Briefly, I looked away from the window to answer a question about my nails.  When I looked back, I saw the big lizard was a few feet farther over and seemed to have a leaf or something in its mouth. It was still bobbing up and down.  Ha ha!  Not a leaf!  Another lizard.  He was bobbing up and down on top of a smaller lizard.  That continued about a minute, then they were both still for another minute.  Then the big male went one direction and the smaller female went another direction.   Both were visible to me for several more minutes, about four feet apart and paying no attention to each other whatsoever.  I was pretty impressed that I happened to be in the right place at the right time to see Lizard Sex.

The froggy is another story.  Last night I was sitting right here at my laptop, at the kitchen table, reading and answering some email.  I was currently on an email to my daughter Evey.  Suddenly some movement caught my eye on the floor to my right.  Froggy!  There was a little frog, about three inches long, hopping on the floor. It hopped up under the couch.  YIKES!  I yelled to Mark to get something to trap it in.  As he was trying to figure out what to get, the frog came back out from under the couch and started climbing up the DVD shelves.  YIKES!  I yelled to Mark to HURRY UP and GET SOMETHING!  Froggy hopped off the DVD shelves and went back under the couch.  Next thing we know, he's hopping under the coffee table and heading towards the pantry. I grabbed the dairy colander (should it have been the meat colander?  I don't know!) and tried to drop it on him, but he always was a hop ahead of me as he headed down the hall towards the living room.  Suddenly, he decided to make a right and head up the wall by the den.  GOT HIM!  I put the colander over him against the wall. Now what?  Well, Mark went to the garage, got a piece of cardboard, slid it between the wall and the colander, and carried him out the front door.  Whew!  Froggy is free to go about his business. 

If that is EVER a snake, I will be in the car and heading out of here so fast you'll be able to feel the wind blow all the way up in Maryland.  I guess I'd be calling a snake wrangler on my cell phone from the safety of my car FAR from the house!

Meanwhile, I walked my personal best time this morning. I finally cracked that 20 minute mile mark. I went exactly one mile in 19 minutes and 28 seconds.  Whoee!!  I was thrilled with myself.  I was also down another pound to 248 this morning.  This thing really seems to be working.  So far today I have stuck right to my plan.  We are heading up to the gym to do our weights soon because we never got to it yesterday.  If I don't fall off the wagon later, today's calories should come in at 915.

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