Friday, June 1, 2012

Still walking...still going down.

I got out at 6:45 a.m. and did my 15 minutes of fasting cardio. It was cool, gray, and overcast.  Shortly after I got back inside, it started to rain and continued steadily all day.  That's actually a good thing because we are so very dry right now.  Even with the sprinklers going off once or twice a week, it's not been enough.

Yesterday when I came home from the cancer support group meeting, I discovered new plants in the mulch beds in the front yard.  After we had paid to have a lot of inappropriate plants removed last summer, there were some big empty spaces.  We had been told that eventually our HOA fees would be covering some plants to fill up those spaces, but we didn't know when that would happen or what they would plant.  I was very surprised and happy when I saw the plants.  On the one side are 7 bushes of a plant with green and yellow leaves. I don't know what it is, but I used to have them in the front of my Laurel house when I first moved in.  Those bushes eventually got some disease and all died. Hopefully that won't happen here. On the other side of the sidewalk are five bushes, much lower to the ground, with pale green leaves.  I have no idea what that is either, but I like them. I am also grateful for the soaking rain today to get these new little guys off to a good start.

I hit 249 this morning on the scale, and I must admit I did a little happy dance.  I hit 249.3 on May 2, but I only stayed there one day before floating back up and bobbling up and down between 250 and 257 for the month of May.  I hope I can really stay under that 250 mark now.  It's depressing to see 250 and up..

My calories have stayed very strictly low for these past four days since I've been doing the morning walk.  Here is the count for each day:
Tuesday 786
Wednesday 774
Thursday 1116
Friday 1229

These are really, really low numbers, and I know I cannot keep this up for too long. If you eat less than 800 a day, the body thinks it's starving and goes into starvation mode.  Then the metabolism slows down, and it's nearly impossible to lose weight.  I just want to keep it this way until June 14 when Lowell and Emily come.  Then there will be so many meals in really great restaurants that I just know I will be gaining some back.  At least there will be a lot of walking then, too.  I hope that I can continue this trend until then.

One more unrelated item. I wish I had had a camera when I was in the car this morning. As we drove to Lakeland for Mark's NARFE board meeting (I drank a Starbucks coffee and played on my phone during the meeting.), we saw an alligator changing ponds!  So cool!  He had just walked up and out of one big pond and was crossing the top of the little hill before walking back down into the next small pond.  So very cool!  A lady was actually walking down the sidewalk right next to him.  I saw her do a double take as she looked to her right and realized a big gator was walking in the same direction just about five feet to her right!  Mark and I were glad we were in the car!

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