Friday, January 17, 2014


"This week, instead of thinking about what you can’t have when you’re working on eating healthfully, focus on what you can – delicious and healthy food, a reasonable amount of treats, good health, better self-confidence, a stable wardrobe, a more peaceful relationship with food, great feelings, etc."

The quote above came from a website called The Beck Diet Solution.  LOL!  How appropriate.

I can't remember how I stumbled onto this. It's really a plan that wants to sell you a book and products, but it also has daily tips on the website for free.  I have bookmarked the site.  This quote was from Monday of this week.  I haven't been looking at it recently or regularly, but today I felt I needed something.

This week is flying by, and I'm down one pound.  I have three days left to lose another one to meet that two-pounds-a-week goal.  Well, I'm not sure I'm going to make it, but I did lose three last week.  That will average out to two per week.  This week has involved eating way too many nuts in the house. 

I LOVE nuts, all kinds of nuts: salted, dry-roasted, plain, fancy, mixed, flavored...I do not care.  There are NO bad nuts.

This week I have had several handfuls of plain roasted almonds that Mark buys for his breakfasts and lunches.  There are many reasons to keep my hands out of those bags.  Too many calories is one of them, and a tendency to graze frequently is another.  They are expensive and one of the good foods for Mark's diabetic diet, so I should leave them alone for him.  That's another.  Also, I was told not to eat nuts ever again because of diverticulosis, but there is some evidence that it is not necessary to avoid nuts for that condition.  I still avoid popcorn because it did send me to the ER once, but nuts have still been okay for me.  Yesterday,  I also ate a whole load of salty pistachios because Mark bought a bag for a recipe.  The recipe used very few, so there's a big bag of them in the pantry. I ate quite a few yesterday and even licked all the delicious saltiness off the shells.  So bad.

Today there is no reason to be bad.  If I keep my hands out of the bags of nuts and stay out of the pantry entirely, I should have a good day.

Exercise has been limited this week.  I have a nasty cold, which doesn't seem to be improving, so it's just sapping my strength.  It's all I have in me just to get through what I have to do each day without adding extra weight lifting or walking into the mix.  I hope to be on the mend next week and get back to exercising. Saturday night we are scheduled to go square dancing, and Sunday we are finally going to get to Sea World.  There will be some exercise in this week after all.

I will end this blog with another quote from the website.  This one is from January 9, and I really need to pay heed to it. It is one of my worst faults.

"It’s important to both give yourself credit for the good choices you make and not berate yourself when you make a mistake. When you beat yourself up, the only thing it does is demoralize you further and makes it harder to get back on track. When you give yourself credit, it makes you feel great, helps raise your confidence, makes it easier to keep doing what you're doing, and gives you motivation to stay on track."

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