Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Still on track

Yesterday I ate what I planned, 1263 calories.  I increased the weights on the machines and reps on some of the exercises, so the total time increased by five minutes.  I walked faster for my 30 minutes, so I went a little farther.  That means I burned a few more calories exercising, 192.

Even so, my weight is the same this morning, 242, because of the sodium.  Yesterday's sodium count was the highest one that I know of recently, and it's accurate because all of the foods were at home and easily recorded.  Are you sitting down?  Sodium yesterday was, drum roll please....3891 mg, nearly two days worth.  Yeah, hot dogs and chili aren't healthy!  I had 97% fat free hot dogs and vegetarian chili, but it's very common that for a food that is low fat to be super high in sodium.  There has to be something in there to add taste!

All my meals will be at home again today.  The plan is to have 1133 calories with only 1348 mg of sodium.  This is nearly perfect for dieting.  And if I get hungry in the late afternoon, then there are still abut 200 calories unaccounted for.

This morning Mark and I have dental check ups.  Then I'm eating a packed lunch in the car as I drive to my mani/pedi appointment.  After that, I'll have a few hours at home to rest and eat dinner before going back to the ballroom for the second rehearsal of Hell Week!  Last night's rehearsal went well.

The only wrinkle in today's plan is the lack of exercise.  We do the weights on Monday-Wednesday-Friday (sometimes Saturday instead) and try to walk every day.  I'm not sure I will get that walk in today, but it should be okay anyway with the rehearsal tonight and the low calorie day.

And the Orioles WON on opening day, 2-1 against the Red Sox.  Goo start to the season.

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