Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Wednesday Weigh In is BAD

This morning my weight is very high, 261.3. I am almost back to what I weighed when I went to NYC to sing in Carnegie Hall in June of 2009. I was 265. At that point, I was in the process of losing regularly, was very in control, and walked a lot. I was feeling good because I had just dropped from 295 to 265 in about two months. I was on a roll!

Sadly, now I feel terrible. I am just going up, up, up. I gained 10 pounds on the two week trip in October with the cruise, going from 248 to 258. Now I've gained about three pounds on this Thanksgiving trip. I lost none of the cruise weight. What is going to happen when I go on the next cruise, January 2, if I don't lose this before then? I can guess, and it won't be pretty.

There are so many BAD things that can happen/are happening to me with the weight gain. One that's really getting to me is the back aches. Weighing over 300 pounds meant that I could only stand up about five minutes before my back was raging. I started doing far less things in the house and almost never wanted to walk anywhere unless I knew there were convenient benches everywhere. Once I got down to 205, I could walk over an hour or stand up and never have a back ache. Right now I'm in a show that requires me to stand on risers to sing. It's a two hour show, but there are some breaks when we get to go sit down for a few minutes in the middle of each act plus a ten minute intermission break. Even so, my back is starting to hurt during the show. Yesterday, Mark and I took a thirty minute walk, and I wanted to quit after fifteen minutes because my back was hurting. This really takes the fun out of the day when walking is painful.

You would think the back aches would be enough motivation to stop eating!!

I started out yesterday morning thinking that it would be a good diet day because I ate all my meals at home. Even so, too many calories found their way in to my mouth.
Breakfast: 4 links (160) and yogurt (80)
Lunch: soup (300), tuna (100), carrots (35), Baked Lays (130)
Dinner: veggie ribs (220), broccoli/cauliflower (35), cole slaw (360)
Late Night: banana (130), sugar free pumpkin pie with Cool Whip (285)
TOTAL: 1835

Nobody is losing weight on 1835 calories a day. Looking on this now, it's easy to see where I could have cut calories; eating MUCH less cole slaw and NO pie would have saved over 400 calories! Since I didn't weigh in yesterday morning, or for several mornings recently, I suspect I probably stayed the same for the last few days.

I did walk 30 minutes and go to a rehearsal for over two hours that involved standing and singing on risers for most of that time. Surely, I used a bunch of calories doing that.

Well, today is a new day. I have had a good breakfast of 3 links (120) and a yogurt (100). At noon I have a two hour beauty appointment for a mani/pedi and lip waxing. Holy cow, I never thought I'd get into the waxing thing, but the Arimidex is a hair-growing drug in disguise!! I have never had so much facial hair before.

I'm not sure where or what lunch is going to be, but I know that dinner is going to be at Olive Garden. We have a rehearsal at 6:30 tonight at our synagogue for their annual talent show, which is Sunday afternoon. We thought we would have a late dinner tonight at Olive Garden because we still have a $25 gift card that someone gave us last year for the holidays and Olive Garden is just one mile from the shul. I know it's possible to eat reasonably well there because they have a fish dish. I need to say NO to the bread, which is hard because they are so delicious, but Mark will help with that. He never eats the bread. I also need to say NO to any alcohol or dessert. That's the plan. I'll let you know if it works out later.

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