Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Down is good.

Today's weigh-in did not disappoint.  I am down two and a half pounds.  Best of all, I am UNDER 250.  Okay, it's not under by very much, but it's under!!  I'm 249.3 this morning.  I have not been under 250 since last October 14.  Once we drove north to take that cruise out of Baltimore, I went over the 250 mark and have not cracked it since.  I actually got as high as 268 after the January cruise, so I'm very grateful to be back under that line.  My current goal is just to get to 220, so it doesn't seem so far away.  I am hoping to make that goal by October. 

Currently, Mark is at the first read-through of the radio drama he is going to be in.  I went up for a little while because I'm going to be musical director. I was asked to teach the "commercials" in two parts to the four women who will sing them.  There are three songs, all familiar tunes with made up words to fake products. It should be fun.  I thought I'd get to meet the four women today, but only one showed up.  Anyway, I got the music, met the one lady, listened to them read about forty-five minutes of the drama, and left.  I was FREEZING!  The room was way too cold for open-toed sandals today.

The cast is doing an excellent job on the first read-through.  Mark is playing Joseph, the head angel.  The man playing Clarence was sounding really great, too.  Some of the people have multiple parts and they will have to work on making distinctive voices for each character, but that's what all the rehearsals in the fall will be for!  Still, it was fun to sit there for a little while today and listen to Mark read.  He was awesome!  It's going to be fun to go to the final show, as a dinner theater, in November.  Can't wait!  Maybe I can get a table together of my neighbors.  I hope so.

Tonight I'm starting the SOJC LS Choir!  It's called LS for Low Stress.  I don't want people to worry or stress over this, and I don't want to stress about it either.  We are working on four songs, nothing memorized.  We will sing a round at Tisha B'Av and then three songs at the High Holidays.  Yesterday I made 12 copies of the four songs and put them in binders.  I really don't expect to get 12 people tonight, maybe 6, but I wanted to be prepared.  We are only going to have 8 rehearsals, every other Wednesday from 7-8:30 p.m.  I don't think that's too big of a commitment in time but enough time to learn four songs.  I'll let you know tomorrow how it goes tonight.

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