Thursday, May 31, 2012

Quick Post

I must have been right about the sodium thing yesterday.  By the end of the day, I was down three pounds.  This morning, I was down FOUR to 250 even!  Wow!  That is EIGHTEEN pounds gone since mid-January when I got back from that cruise.  If I could hit 240 before Lowell and Emily get here on June 14, I would be very, very happy.

I was very motivated by that drop in pounds. I went out for my 15 minute fasting cardio walk, and it turned into 20 minutes.  I also went to my cancer support group, always motivating.  Soon, I am going to have my mani/pedi, always relaxing.  Afterwards, weather permitting, there will be time for a swim, always fun and invigorating, followed by a grilled chicken medi-fast salad at the bar restaurant by the pool, followed by the free movie at Solivita.  Tonight's movie is Iron Lady.  We've really been wanting to see that one.

I hope everyone is having as nice a day as I am.


  1. Congratulations on your weight loss! Keep up the excellent work.

  2. Thanks. I had another good day today. Yesterday I only ate 775 calories, which is very low. Today I had 1100, also a great number. I'm sure that and the exercise are working their magic.
