Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Bone Density

This morning I have a bone density scan. I think this is the third one I have had; it might be annual.  It's funny that I really don't KNOW for sure.  It's an easy scan, and definitely no big deal.  My daily generic dose of Arimidex can potentially cause bone loss, so I will be checking annually. 

Except for going to the Shalom Club meeting at 7 tonight, my bone density scan is the big event of the day.

Unfortunately, I have to report a weight gain for the week.  This morning I was 268, up from 266.3 on Friday when I returned from our trip.  So even though I thought I was doing ok the last few days, I actually gained nearly two pounds in four days.  I can just never tell.  It's probably the lack of exercise.  We did the mile and a half cancer walk Friday morning and then nothing, no gym and no walking.  I should be able to do both today.

I also never write anything down or track the food in my Lose It! phone app anymore.  That's a mistake.

There is one piece of reasonably interesting news, unrelated to health or weight.  Last night I quit the Starliters, for this season, not forever.  I knew that I was going to miss half of the rehearsals when I saw their schedule last fall.  I almost dropped out right then, and now I wish I had.  Since I have been gone for two weeks on vacation, I felt that I fell really far behind.  All this music has to be memorized, and I just don't think I can do that now.  Hm...I really mean I don't WANT to do that now.  Between now and the concert are two sets of company, six more missed rehearsals because of Passover and other things, and just no time or interest to sit at home and sing this two hour program over and over enough times to memorize it.  So instead of going to the rehearsal last night, I sent the director an apologetic email explaining my decision to drop out.  If this had been Guys and Dolls, where we can hold the music during the show, there would be no problem. I can read the music, but I am terrible at memorizing!  I managed last year because I didn't miss any rehearsals. 

Yesterday I got up early and made a list (I love making To-Do lists!) and checked things off as I accomplished everything.  Finally it was around 4 p.m. and then only thing not checked off was "practice the Starliters' music."  At 5 I ate my early frozen dinner just as if I was going to go to that 7 p.m. rehearsal.  At 5:30 I still didn't get the music out to look at it.  I finally realized that I did not WANT to look at it, so that was a problem.  I went tot he computer and sent my resignation letter instead.  Once I did that, I felt GREAT!  Like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders.  It was the right decision for me this year.  Maybe it will be different next year, and I hope they will take me back in the fall for Guys and Dolls, because the fall show is easy since memorization is not required.  LOL!

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