Wednesday, May 1, 2013

"Down a Pound" Week

I lost a pound this week, and so did Cindy.  That's why it's "down a pound" week.  Who else is down a pound?

I actually gained a few and lost those this week, but I'm very excited that I lost one actual pound.  I left the house last Wednesday at 266.8, and this morning I am 265.1.  That is actually a loss of 1.7 pounds, and I am VERY excited!  I have walked and I have eaten correctly for three straight days. That IS all it takes.  Eating all of my meals in the house is key.

This morning it's finally sunny!  What a nice thing to wake up to.  As we drove north, the weather was lovely, sunny and warm.  Saturday was especially lovely.  Sunday was sunny but cooler. Then the rains came.  It has been dark, dreary, rainy, and in the fifties for two straight days.  Mark and I discovered that we had not packed appropriate clothes for the fifties.  I thought it was going to be Spring!  We brought a few sweaters and light sweat shirts, but I brought only short sleeved shirts.  Fortunately, I packed a few pairs of long pants, mostly for potential evening restaurant occasions.  We have lived in layers for two days because it's even freezing in the house.  If it stays sunny and goes into the low 70s today and the rest of the week, it will be delightful to wear less layers in the house!

My plan for today is to take another 30 minute walk, eat appropriately, finish my novel, and help Mark with some laundry.  We are also going to Arundel Mills Mall for walking and shopping.  I used to walk around the inside of that mall when I was losing weight in 2009.  I could stop on my way home from work, no matter the weather, and walk an hour.  It used to take me 18 minutes to walk once around that huge oval inside.  I'd do three times around and then reward myself with a Starbucks coffee in a rocking chair.  Sweet.  I bet I can't do three times around, but I'm setting a goal of two times and the coffee.

I'll let you know how it goes.


  1. I saw your facebook entry about walking 2 miles in 41 minutes. Congratulations! That is great.

    I will be watching for your son's book to be available on Amazon for Kindle. I would love to read it.

    I hope you have a great day.

  2. Strange weather we're having all around. For 2 weeks in late February, the temperatures were near 70. Temps returned to seasonally cold, and chilly has continued. For the past 15 years in Ohio, it has been cold and rainy on Mother's Day. Even though today is warmish and sunny, I'm braced for cold. I have packed away and unpacked the winter wear twice so far.
