Thursday, September 13, 2012

Choir Hiatus

My new fledgling choir at SOJC is now on hiatus.  The plan was to have 10 rehearsals, more or less every other week, from May to last night, just to prepare for the High Holidays.  They learned 4 songs and will be singing next week!  I had 10 very committed and excellent singers, which is pretty good for the first year.  Now we will WOW the congregation on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.  The plan is to reconvene next spring and learn a few new songs for next year as well as polish these four songs back up. Maybe some new people will even join us.

I had another perfect day yesterday as far as food and exercise goes.  I walked and went to the gym.  My total calories came in at 1340 for the day.  BTW, the HG chocolate milkshake was great. It did not have the texture of a milkshake, but it was cold, chocolatey, and huge. I loved it!  It was a wonderful treat to anticipate after returning from choir. This morning, I was rewarded with two more pounds gone, weighing in at 258.2.  Amazing.  Now I'm just one up from when I left for Nevada on August 16. 

I'm actually quite stunned that I only gained six pounds in the 25 day trip and that I've dropped five of those in two days. On the 21 day trip to MD/NJ/NY in July, I gained 10 pounds and dropped none of it before this trip. If I drop the final pound by the next official weigh-in, I will be so happy. There are two big Rosh Hashanah dinners (Monday and Tuesday nights) between now and then.  Mark is going to make a big brisket with vegetables that should last two nights.  There will be gefilte fish and matzo ball soup and challah.  Those are all delicious things AND they are pretty high in calories.  So...the answer to that is portion control and watching out that the rest of the day is pretty low. 

This morning Mark and I realized we must still be on Pacific time.  We could NOT get out of bed until after 9 a.m.  Crazy. Now our whole day is going to be playing catch up. Mark has to do our weekly grocery shopping; I have laundry to put away and a project on the computer I promised a friend to type; and we are also going to Tampa to the Aquarium.  Yeah, catching up all day.  Guess I'd better end the blog and get started.

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