Wednesday, September 12, 2012

National Chocolate Milkshake Day

I was super good yesterday on my calories. I ate about 1300, logged it all in, and drank a liter of water.  There was no exercise, but on the first day that didn't matter.  I dropped three pounds in this one day, mostly water I'm sure, and weighed in this morning at 260.2.  Nice.  Now if next Wednesday will show up another three pounds for the week, I'll be in great shape. In fact, I'll be back to the 257 that I weighed when we left for the trip.  Then I can start losing the weight from the July trip!  LOL!

Today I have walked abut 45 minutes and did my weight routines.  I have not been in the gym for about six weeks, so I did only two sets of 10 reps on some machines and two sets of 15 on the easier ones.  Still, it was good to be back.  Mark and I are both determined to get back into the three-day-a-week routine.

I also ate well today, so far.  Breakfast was my veggie sausages and yogurt; lunch was at Subway, the double turkey salad and Baked Lays, only 560 calories so far and a lo-cal shiritake noodle spaghetti and salad dinner. 

The best part of today's food plan will be our 10 p.m. snack after we get home from the last SOJC choir rehearsal.  It's National Chocolate Milkshake Day, according to Hungry Girl.  She had a recipe for one on her website that Mark will be making for us tonight. It uses either sugar-free (our choice) or fat-free chocolate ice cream, sugar free hot chocolate mix, sugar free chocolate sauce, Splenda, and ice.  I'm pretty sure that all blended together that this is going to be spectacular.  It should add up to about 240 calories, which will fit nicely into my plan today.  I'll let you know tomorrow if it's good, then if you want the exact recipe, just go to her website or ask me.

Today was filled with normal chores.  Mark had a regular dental check-up and cleaning this morning It went very well.  He has been in and out of there so often for tooth problems all summer that the dentist was surprised to see him just for something routine.  She immediately asked him what hurt! LOL!  Next we drove up to BJs to renew our membership and stock up on tissues, dishwasher detergent and a few other things.  We got four challahs there because they have excellent ones, and we need a lot for the upcoming holidays. Then it was off  to the comic book store to get a month's worth of books, lunch at Subway, and shopping at the Publix near WDW.  That one has the best selection of kosher food, so we got frozen rib eye steaks, a bag of frozen chicken breasts, and several other things.  After dropping off the frozen food, we hit the gym.  Now I'm finally blogging while Mark is fixing dinner.  We have to leave at 6 p.m. for our rehearsal.

It was a great day!  It actually feels good to be on my food plan again.  I was tempted by some stuff in the grocery store; I can't deny that.  Still, I did not succumb to the temptations. 

Tomorrow we are driving west to go to the Tampa Aquarium. It should be a fun day, touring in our own state.

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