Tuesday, December 18, 2012

More time at home is delightful.

Yesterday I went no where except to the neighbor's house to play Mah Jongg.  I only won one game, and most of the games were wall games (ties), but I just love hanging out with the ladies on my street.  I feel so happy to have moved on to Barcelona with such a delightful group of neighbors.

I did a lot of work in the house, including emptying out the three old bookshelves in the den and taking them to the curb for special trash to pick them up.  It was weird that they would not give me a specific date for the pick up.  They said take them out tomorrow morning by 6 a.m. and they will be picked up within 72 hours.  Really?  That crap could sit out there for three days?  OK.

Today I canceled my participation in the VA Nursing Home holiday performance with some of the Guys and Dolls singers.  I am just coughing too much and have no voice.  No real point in going on that trip.  Instead, I will pay some bills, help Mark put the new bookshelves into the den and fill them up, and generally relax. I hope to work on my current jigsaw puzzle because Emily S and Lowell sent me an AWESOME new one that I hope to get to ASAP.  Thanks, Em and Lowell.

I sort of behaved myself food-wise yesterday.  I ate very appropriately for all three meals and only a few inappropriate snacks. One of our Mahj ladies brought everyone a little bag containing four Lindor Truffles.  OMG I LOVE those!  My bag was eaten before I finished two games.  The one smart thing I did was refuse more bags!  She had leftovers and offered me to take more home.  At least I had the good sense to say no to that.  I also had a big glass of low-carb chocolate milk and three pieces of fat free cheese as snacks.  That's not too bad, but it was still calories.  I lost one pound yesterday, not bad.  It's a start.  Unfortunately, I just don't feel up to exercise.  When I move around too much, I just set off a coughing spree.  UGH.  Maybe just a few more days of this...

We have our big box of Hanukkah presents from Cindy now!  Yay Cindy!  Thanks!  We will open it later today and extend that holiday just a little more.

And finally, Happy Birthday to my good friend Georganne.  I know what you are doing today, and I know there are better ways to spend a birthday, but you will be fine.  Do something nice for yourself when you get home.  Enjoy the day no matter what.  We are thinking of you today.

Here's a few more pictures from the trip:
Leading Hanukkah songs at the menorah lighting.

Sitting in the Lindy Hop (piano bar) for TV theme song trivia

Relaxing on the Chavon River cruise in Dominican Republic

Overlooking the Chavon River

in the Dominican Republic

With the larimar turtle necklace Mark bought me in the Dominican Republic

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