Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Good Weigh-in

Despite the challenges of the past week, I lost two pounds.  That's all I ever expect.  That's all my Lose It! program is promising me.

Today's weight is 243.7, down two from last week's 245.8.  Of course, the program rewards me by taking more calories away.  When I weighed 276, it allowed me 1498 calories.  Two weeks ago I was allowed 1396.  Now I'm down to only 1369.  Do you think that if this rate continues and I lose another 40 pounds, I'll be down to under 1000 calories a day?  I hope not!!!

Tonight begins the holiday of Succoth, which I described to some extent yesterday.  We are going to eat all our meals at home this week and all of those meals in the Succah, with one exception.  Sunday at 5 p.m. we are going to a party in the home of one of our neighbors.  Everyone is bringing a dish to share and their own drinks.  That will be our dinner, so I hope I don't graze too much at the party.  We shall see.  The rest of the week should be very well controlled and full of exercise. I am anticipating another good week.

Getting under 245 means that this is the lowest weight that I have hit since we moved to Florida.  Very exciting.  My next short goal is to get under 240. I have not been in the 230s since November/December of 2010 when I was on chemo.  I think I can make it under 240 by early October since it's only four more pounds.  That should be two more weeks.

Once those two weeks are up, we are in October and our friend Rudy will be arriving two days later.  One week after that is our first cruise.  It's just a short one on the Carnival Imagination with Rudy and his wife Georganne.  I just hope I can control myself on the cruise.  That would be something new for me, for sure!  LOL!  I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.  We leave for Miami on a Sunday and return that Friday.  That means that part of the cruise is one week's weigh-in and part is the next week.  That might help.  Walking the track and going to the gym on the ship is also very important.  Controlling portions in the buffet and staying away from food between meals would also help.  Yeah, I always know what I SHOULD do!  Whether I do it or not is another story. LOL!

Meanwhile, I'm beginning a new week today.  My calories today are already laid out and planned for today. I will be eating 1156 calories and burning off 293 calories in exercise (weight lifting and water aerobics).  I will also be taking Mark to the comic book store and health food store, plus taking him to get his car back.  The whole trunk latch mechanism had to be replaced, very expensive unfortunately.  Then I'll go grocery shopping with him, which I almost never do, but I figure that's more walking around.  Never a bad thing.

Tonight we eat our first meal in the succah.  It WILL be before dark!  Our dinner menu tonight will be wine and challah, Farro and Vegetable Chicken Chili (305 calories a serving) and tossed salad.  That chili makes a huge pot, so we are having it tomorrow night and two nights next week, also.  Delicious!

If you are celebrating Succoth, I hope you have a wonderful holiday.  This is the fun reward for getting through the somber High Holiday period!  Enjoy the fun of eating in a succah with friends and family.  I will enjoy eating in the little one Mark built with just him and remember the times when we had a dozen in the succah every single night of the holiday.  Ah, those were the days!

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