Sunday, September 22, 2013

Having too much fun!

I must apologize again for not writing any blogs since last Wednesday.  There has just been too much fun, I guess, and not enough news.

Wednesday night we had our first holiday meal, then again on Thursday night. Of course, Friday was Shabbat, always a holiday. In between we went to services at SOJC Thursday, Friday, and Saturday mornings.  When we got home, around 1 p.m. each time, we had lunch in the succah.  Mark has also eaten all his breakfasts out there, although this morning was the first time I joined him for that.  Last night, we actually ate dinner out there, too, since we went out before darkness set in.  I think it was Thursday evening, before dark even, that as soon as we came back inside from saying kiddush out there (wine, handwashing, and challah), a raccoon went scurrying across the backyard!  LOL!

The weather has been especially pleasant these last few days.  I went swimming at The Palms on Friday and swam 16 laps, which took me 45 minutes.  That pool is a lot longer than the Cove pool. I hardly ever swim there, but it was really delightful.  We did our weight routines on Thursday and Saturday since we ran out of time on Wednesday with so much to do to get ready for the holiday.  There is a lot of rain in the forecast, beginning this afternoon and continuing for several days. I don't know how much time we will eat outside or do outside exercise.  I can always walk the indoor track!

This morning we are heading up to the Regal Theaters at The Loop to see the new Hugh Jackman movie, Prisoners.  We are going there instead of our usual AMC Downtown Disney because this movie didn't have a morning showing at Disney, AND I have a gift card for my birthday from sister, Flyn.  This way we get to go for free!  Then we have to pick up a few things at Publix on the way back.  Hopefully, we can eat lunch in the succah if the rain hasn't started yet.

At 5 p.m. we are going to our neighbors for a little casual dinner party.  Everyone is to bring their own drinks and some appetizer to share.  Mark is taking a bottle of Crown Royal whiskey and I'm bringing a Coke Zero. For an appetizer, Mark is making his famous seven layer bean dip with tortilla chips.  I like it when he makes that because everyone loves it, so there is never anything leftover to bring back, except maybe some of the chips.  Also, I HATE it because it's full of sour cream and guacamole, so I am NEVER tempted to eat it.  LOL!  I am bringing Ritz crackers and four kinds of cheeses on a platter with some grapes.  My dinner tonight will consist of cheese, crackers, and grapes.  I have no idea what everyone else will be bringing, but they are not Jewish, so I'm sure there will be a lot of meat or shellfish involved.  That won't tempt me either, so as long as I monitor the cheese and stay out of the mixed nuts (Mark is also bringing those.), I should be okay.  This is the only meal all week that is going to be out of the house and difficult.  The rest of the week has included perfect meals and reasonable exercise.  I hope it pays off on the scale on Wednesday.

I am not sure the weight is budging this week despite my low calories and high exercise.  I measured my waist this morning, and it is UP again.  Weird.  I thought it had gone down an inch a few weeks ago, but today it seems to be up THREE from that number.  I don't think that's possible unless I'm bloated with fluid this morning.  Also I got on the scale at the gym yesterday.  It's a regular balance beam type scale, and of course, it's in the afternoon with clothes on, still I weighed 248 on it, which is the same as at the doctor's office over a week ago.  That could mean I haven't lost anything this week.  Ah, the dreaded weight loss plateau could be upon me.  We shall see.

Wherever you are reading this blog, if you have a succah, I hope you have a wonderful and peaceful time eating your meals out there.  Chag Sameach!

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