Monday, September 23, 2013

Party on Barcelona

Last night Mark and I had a fabulous time in the home of new neighbors just two doors down.  I think my whole Mahjong group was invited, and it seemed that most did attend.  We all brought something to eat to share and something to drink.  I mostly followed the plan that I talked about yesterday. I ate about a dozen Ritz crackers, a bunch of grapes, and hopefully no more than four ounces of the hard cheeses that I brought.  I took only one small graham cracker with some pumpkin/pudding dip on it that someone else brought and a lot of celery and red pepper strips.  Yay for me!  I said no to the homemade fudge, too.  And that was HARD!!

Our new neighbors are still only living there part time.  The rest of the time they are in NJ, but when they retire in a few years, they will be here full time.  They already have relatives who live here, so that's a lovely thing. I often think it would be so nice to have some of my relatives move here, but I'm sure that is never going to happen. 

The husband in the house, Ramon, played his keyboard and we all sang and dance.  Wow!  That was amazing!  I also learned that the neighbor on my other side, John, is an excellent singer.  Too bad he won't join Guys and Dolls! 

On a sad note, one of our neighbors passed away last week.  Although they are only four doors down on the other side AND they were members of Cypress Cove like us, we never met them.  I feel terribly guilty about that.  I had heard last Monday that he wasn't expected to last much longer due to a long battle with cancer, so it wasn't surprising that he passed away just a few days later.  What was heart-warming to see was the HUGE amount of cars on our street outside their house.  There was a beautiful outpouring of support from our neighbors and Cove members who came to the house for a celebration of his life.  Mark and I came back from synagogue Saturday afternoon and saw all those cars.  We knew immediately that he must have passed. Our first thought was that if they were Jewish it looked liked a shiva call.  SO many people came to their house.  That speaks wonderfully well for our neighborhood.

Today I have already planned my day's food.  My total calories should come to 1022 and I will be burning off an extra 291 calories with a 40 minute water aerobics class at the Cove and my usual 15 minute weight routine at The Palms.  I have recently increased the amount of weight on all the machines, so it's a challenge now.  Still the Lose It! program doesn't change the calories burned because it's by time.  As long as I'm doing only 15-20 minutes, I can't show more calories burned.  It doesn't matter anyway because I don't eat those calories back. Well, not on a regular basis anyway.

There is a 70% chance of rain today, so I hope we get that outdoor water aerobics done between 10:30 and 11:15 before the rain hits!  We also have to drive up to All Cars to get Mark's car back, and I'm playing Mahj this afternoon, as usual.

Hope you have a great day, too, no matter where you are!

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