Monday, April 7, 2014

Hit it!

I am 239 this morning.  Whoop, whoop, whoop, WHOOPEE!

Can you tell I did a happy dance when I got off the scale this morning?

Now to try to keep it for the next two weeks while we are out of town.  That will be a challenge.

Two shows down, one to go.  Tonight is the last night of the Starliters show. It's been fun, but it sure is time consuming.  Mark got a seat in the second row, and he said he was proud of me and that I looked beautiful.  That meant a lot!  Thanks, Mark. 

I ate just a bit over 1000 calories yesterday.  Today will be more challenging because I'm having lunch at the Grille with some girlfriends from the theater group.  I know that I can order a salmon salad, so that's the plan.  My calories should be okay if I do that.  I have programmed breakfast and lunch, and it leaves me about 700 calories for that lunch.

Tomorrow night is the cast party.  Mark and I are having mahi mahi with veggies and salad.  There will be a small dessert, but it should be a reasonable dinner anyway.  Then comes the road trip.  We will be heading north on Wednesday.  So there will be 15 days of meals in restaurants or at friends' houses, not to mention two seders and lots of Passover food, including my favorite: matzoh with butter.  I just have to be sure to watch how much of any of these things I eat. Portion control is the answer, plus long walks.

I do plan to take my scale and keep a check on things.  I'll write blogs periodically, and I will definitely report my weight next Monday.  I have a feeling it will be back up, but I hope not too far.

Meanwhile, I hope everyone has a lovely day today.

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