Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Weird day yesterday

First, my weight is the same today as Monday.  I know why.

Yesterday was just weird.  I had not slept well Monday night, tossing and turning for no reason.  Then I got up at 7 a.m., as planned, went through my usual morning breakfast and routine.  Around 10 a.m. I had been watching TV waiting for Mark to get ready to head out for a 10:30 line dancing class.  We used to do that weekly but fell out of the habit because of the shows we were in.  Anyway, I got up from the chair to go bring in the trash and recycling bins and got dizzy.  Really light-headed and feeling like I would pass out. 

I have low blood pressure all the time, so this is not an unexpected feeling.  I stood still for a minute and then proceeded to bring in the cans, but it didn't go away.  By then it was time to head out for class. I gathered up my stuff and asked Mark to drive.  I went out to the car and felt like I was going to fall over, so I leaned against the car until Mark unlocked the door and I got inside.  I kept my eyes closed all the way to the Cove, where the class was held.  When I got there, I was feeling nauseated, so I went to the bathroom right away. I had diarrhea there, but that never returned the rest of the day.  I told Mark to go to class without me because I knew I could not do that, but we were so late by then that he decided to stay with me.  I sat on a chair in the shade and started to drink some water.  I started to develop a headache, and the queasiness lasted another hour or so.

Bottom line is that it took FIVE hours for that feeling to pass completely.  When the restaurant opened at 11, we walked over and I got a Diet Coke, no ice.  I sipped that for half an hour and felt better, but I did not feel 100% until around 3 p.m., the time my mani/pedi was over. 

It was just so strange to feel so out of it all day.

So back to the weight....this is why I have lost no weight.  I actually went down three pounds on Monday because I was excellent with lots of exercise.  Tuesday morning I was 248, but I didn't write a blog because I never felt well enough. Then yesterday, because of the weird feeling, I did not exercise at all.  I also felt like I needed extra sodium to raise my blood pressure, so I ate a kosher hot dog on a roll with fries, to which I added plenty of table salt.  Lots of calories, lots of sodium.  On the other hand, it was all for medicinal purposes, right?  I calculated my calories yesterday as best as I could, and I think I had about 2200.  Not going to lose any weight on that amount of calories and sodium, so I'm not surprised to put those three pounds back on and be the same as Monday morning.  In fact, I'm okay with it.

Now it's a new day. I feel fine so far this morning.  I had a good breakfast of Fiber One cereal with a 1/2 cup of fresh blueberries, a small amount of almonds, and some almond milk.  Delicious and only 275 calories.  Mark is finishing his breakfast and then we will take a 15 minute walk.  Hopefully, at 10:30 we will be doing water aerobics.  Later today we will do our weight routines in the gym and walk some more.  Tonight I have a choir rehearsal at the synagogue, which means I'm out of the house for four hours, no time to eat any snacks!  Dinner will be spaghetti squash with pasta sauce and cheese.  Lunch will be tuna out of a can on some salad.  I bet I'm back down those three pounds tomorrow morning.

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