Monday, April 25, 2016

Monday Weigh-In even worse than I thought.



Up seven pounds this week all due to Passover seders and generally eating too much at every meal plus snacking on the leftover cakes and candy.

I'm going to be honest.  I don't see any weight coming off this week until Passover is over, which is next Sunday.  Just too much Passover food, which involves lots of calories and carbs, are what we are eating this week.  I just hope I don't gain another SEVEN pounds this week!  That would be horrendous.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Reby,

    I just stumbled upon your blog for the first time. I just wanted to jump in and say that it is never too late to make a fresh start. I just wanted to throw a little bit of encouragement at you and let you know that you are not alone, and that you can do it :)
