Thursday, April 21, 2016

More sodium doing more damage, I guess.

I am up another half pound today, back to Monday morning's 274.  Depressing.  I ate all my meals at home because the doctor's appointment up in Winter Park went so very smoothly that we just went home for lunch.  I ate only 1393 calories, worked in the house a bit to change over for Passover, and ran a 90 minute rehearsal at the synagogue in the evening.  There wasn't any other exercise because there were many hours in the car driving to and from the doctor and to and from the synagogue.  There was also still a lot of pain/discomfort in the lower, left abdomen that intensified when I moved or was jostled in the car.  Not fun.  It's still there this morning.

So with my calorie count still fine, I am blaming the weight gain on the sodium.  For lunch, I ate 4 ounces of smoked turkey that was still left in the fridge.  It had 1120 mg of sodium, bringing my sodium total to 2951 for the day.  A day's amount is usually okay if it goes between 2500 and 3,000, so I'm not really over that amount.  In fact, Tuesday when I was blaming sodium, I had even less sodium than yesterday.  I don't really know what's going on except that my body has always hated giving up any weight!  It loves its fat!  LOL!

Mark is going to go get Frank at the airport today.  He lands at 11:40.  I will be home finishing up the kitchen work.  All of our Passover dishes and things are in boxes in the living room or our bedroom.  I have to finish clearing the counters, kashering everything anew, and covering it with tinfoil before I can start bringing out the Passover things.  It's a big job, and I don't love doing it, but it's much better doing it during the day than after coming home from work.  We used to start this work around 5 in the evening on a work day and finish after midnight, go to bed late, and get up for work the next day.  UGH. This is definitely better!

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