Tuesday, February 23, 2010

"This is this, and that is that."

Today I'm going to feel a little like the character Flounder from the Disney movie Little Mermaid. There's a very cute scene where Flounder is explaining to Ariel's father why she was late, and he lets slip that she was up on the surface talking to the seagull about human things. The seagull was explaining what the items were, and Flounder recreates it by saying in a silly sing-song voice, "This is this, and that is that." That's going to be me later this morning.

I have to go to the house at 8:30 a.m. and tell the contractors, "This is this, and that is that," or more accurately, "This goes here, and that goes there." Yesterday they moved everything, quite literally, out of all four bedrooms and into the living room and kitchen so that they could sand, refinish, and seal the hardwood floors. This morning I have to point to things and tell them which room to put it in and where to place it. That will take awhile and not be as easy as it sounds. There is still a lot of junk that should be thrown out, saved for later, boxed, or put in the POD. When we finish that chore, they are going to redo the living room floor by putting that stuff back in the hallway. Tomorrow morning, Mark will do the "This goes here, and that goes there" chore by himself so I can go to work!

We took our bunny rabbit up to the bunny-sitter last night. Our wonderful contractor, Eric, scooped her out of the cage and into the carrier. There seems to be nothing he cannot do! He also surprised us by handing us keys to the new backdoor locks. He had changed the top and bottom locks on the kitchen door because the locks were so old they were inoperable. He needed access to that door to the let the carpet man down into the basement once the dining room floor was wet and c0uld not be walked on. Eric is amazing. He planned to stay very late last night to get the carpet laid down the stairs and through the basement TV room. Wow, I'm really looking forward to seeing it this morning. They also ripped all the vines and weeds off our fence in preparation for power washing the sidewalk and fence today. The staining of the fence and the rest of the front yard landscaping will happen tomorrow as the whole project winds down to a finish by Thursday. Tomorrow at 4 p.m. the real estate agent is coming back to see the results. She's bringing the paperwork to list the house for sale. This is really happening!

In spite of eating three meals a day in restaurants and in spite of not always making the best choices at those meals, I lost .7 of a pound. Not huge, but I'll take it! I was 205.5 this morning, and it's Tuesday, so that's an official weigh-in!

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