Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Ordinary Things

Yesterday when I finished my blog, I said to Mark that it was a really boring one, that I had nothing interesting to say. Then this morning I got a lovely email from my friend Debbie. She said, "It sounds like you are really having fun, and getting settled in down there. It is great to hear you talk about ordinary every day things, and that your life is full." That meant a lot to me. I had not thought about how the ordinary has now become a part of my life, and it's the part I was angry and upset about losing when I first got my diagnosis.

Yes, with the exception of having to go to radiation every afternoon for 22 more week days, Mark and I really ARE living our dream now. Our life is so full of activities that we get exhausted at night. We are still working at putting the house together, but that's been a lot of fun. We are going to WDW at least once a week, as we always said we would. We go to the gym to work out; we walk; we take part in activities in the community. This is everything we said we wanted and would do in our retirement. WOW! I think we have achieved our goal. Thanks, Debbie, for reminding me of that this morning. There is life after breast cancer! I sure could not see that last fall.

Now having said that I have achieved my retirement goal, I really need to focus on the weight loss piece of my life again. Last week on Wednesday I reported a huge loss of seven pounds. That was a bit deceptive because I had put on several pounds just a few days before with too much eating out. Then a few good days showed a huge loss. Well, this week I had some excellent days of staying around 1200 calories and some less-than-excellent days of over 2,000 calories. I did the two mile walk twice and more than two miles at Epcot on Sunday. The end result is I stayed the same. So this morning's Tuesday weigh-in weight is still 248. I feel OK about it because I knew I did not stay around 1200 every day, so to maintain my weight for a week is not bad. I'll take it.

This week will bring its own challenges, with Evey arriving late Thursday night. We will be eating out Friday lunch, Saturday dinner, Sunday for lunch and dinner, and maybe Monday dinner. It's not going to be Subway and Denny's either, places where I control my calories well. There will be lots of walking and activity though to combat the meals out. I hope to maintain my weight another week and not gain. Next Tuesday morning, the day Evey is scheduled to fly back to CA in the afternoon, I'll report my results.

Yesterday's IKEA purchases will arrive between 1 and 5 p.m. Between 2:30 and 4:30 I'll go to radiation. Mark plans to put another piece of furniture together today. My car went to the shop for a few little repairs yesterday, so I'll be picking it up this afternoon. Mark always does the grocery shopping Tuesday morning, and while he's shopping, I plan to go out for another two mile walk. My goal today is to go a little over two miles. If I walk all the way to The Palms, our gym/pool complex, it is 1.2 miles one way. I went almost all the way last week, but I hope to make it the whole way today for a total walk of 2.4 miles. It's a start to getting back to a 5k. These are all ordinary things. Well, going for radiation isn't ordinary, but it's just one of those things that has to be done each day for 22 more days. I can do that! In between, there are many other wonderful, ordinary things to do.

How about you? What ordinary things are you doing today?

1 comment:

  1. I am glad that you are having such a good time doing ordinary things. It is great that things are going so well for you and that you are making it through radiation so far so good. Weight maintenance is good too!
