Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Up More Pounds

I have decided that I should NOT eat pizza anymore. I had two slices of pizza and a salad for lunch yesterday at the Upper Crust, our Solivita pizza parlor. It was delicious, but now I'm paying for it. This morning I was 251.7, one pound higher than yesterday morning. Yes, yes, I know I should NOT have gotten on the scale this morning, but I did. I almost always do. One of those doctor TV shows actually advocates checking your weight every morning, but Weight Watchers advocates just once a week. Whatever. It's done, and I'm up another pound. UGH.

I miss Evey already. We had such a good time with her here. The next time we will see her will be at her wedding showers in July. There will be one at her future mother-in-law's house in NJ on Saturday, July 2. Then there will be a second one at my sister-in-law's house in MD the next day. That way ladies don't have to drive too far to attend one.

Now we have to start looking forward to our next house guest. A dear friend of ours from Maryland will be arriving on April 18 in time for the first Passover seder that night. He will be staying 10 days! That will be awesome. So far both sleepover guests, Rudy and Evey, have really enjoyed the guest room with its private bath. I think Frank will like it a lot, too. Unfortunately, because it's Passover, we can't take Frank out to any of the good restaurants in our community or at Disney World. Oh, well...maybe he'll come back another time when it's not Passover.

Between now and Passover, I really need to find that control over my eating. I appreciated Juanita's comment to me on yesterday's blog about finding my determination and strength. I have done it before; she is right that I can do it again. I was scared of dying because of the hernia back in 2009, so that fear kept me going. Now I need to get motivated to fit into the dress I bought for the wedding and to feel good about how I'll look in those wedding pictures. The wedding is just a few days over five months away. An average weight loss for a month is about 8 pounds, maybe 10 in some months. That's if I walk everyday and keep the calories at 1200 most every day of the week and NEVER go over 1500 any day. If I did that, then I could expect to be down 40 pounds by the wedding. I'd weigh 211 and I'd be THRILLED.

OK! That's IT! I'm doing 40 pounds by the wedding. YES, I'm setting my determination and iron will into action TODAY! Wish me luck!


  1. Good luck!
    5 pounds a month is excellent. Look at what you are eating and what can you cut out. When I cut out ice cream for sugar free pudding and bagels for skinny bread I lost weight. OH, forget desserts.

  2. Good luck on the weight loss before the wedding. I believe that you can do it. Are you still eating Hungry Girl recipes for supper? Have fun looking forward to your friend coming over in April.

  3. Becky,

    Bless your heart. It is stressful isn't it? I've gained 7 pounds since the chemo ended so I know the battle. I'm just not going to worry about myself until radiation is over. he wanted me to keep my weight around the same or it would throw off the target etc if I lost to much weight.

    I don't think the pizza caused the weight gain just overnight or at least I don't want to think it did. Perhaps a flux in your body water?

    Becky, you are going to be beautiful in your gown and at Evey's wedding regardless because you are a beautiful woman inside as well as outside. I'm just so happy for all of you.

