Thursday, November 23, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving! Let's all be very thankful.

I am thankful for so many things this morning, not the least of which is that I didn't injure myself any worse than I did in that Tuesday morning fall!

I was surprised last night that I still couldn't sleep in the bed.  I tried for about an hour and then gave up.  I went out to the chair at 1 a.m. and slept soundly straight through to 7:30.  Not bad, but I am still hoping I can get in bed tonight without so much pain.  I even took the pain pill and muscle relaxer at 10 p.m. and thought that would do it.  Oh, well....

I did not take anything this morning except some Advil because I don't want to be foggy-headed and sleepy all day.  After we get home tonight, I'll take the other pills and try to get in to the bed for the night.

This is the first Thanksgiving EVER that we will not have any family members with us.  Last year Evey and Eric were here, and we invited Barb and Ed Westen to join us, too.  This year Evey and Eric are driving to southern CA to stay with Eric's Aunt Carol.  Fortunately for us, Barb and Ed invited us to join them this year, so we will not be alone.  They are becoming like family to us anyway.  I'm excited to go there because they are planning a fabulous menu.  I bought them a kosher turkey breast weeks ago, and they have been wonderful about checking on the laws of kashrut and checking in with us with their recipes and what is parve or not.  They have certainly learned a lot with this experience! I think it's amazing that we have friends willing to do that for us.  I am definitely thankful for them.

I do NOT plan to log in my calories today.  It might make the poor Lose It! app explode.  This is Thanksgiving, and I'm going to eat what I want, starting with pie.  This morning I had pumpkin pie for breakfast, which I will also do tomorrow morning and Saturday until it's gone!  Doesn't everyone do that on Thanksgiving?  LOL  Tomorrow I'll log them in, even the breakfast pie!

Later today I'm going to make pumpkin muffins with parve chocolate chips to bring to the Westens.  That's my contribution to the dinner, along with the kosher turkey breast that we provided.  I'm watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade on TV, drinking coffee with pumpkin pie, texting Evey as she and Eric are driving south in CA, and reading all the warm Thanksgiving day greetings on Facebook.  I'm thankful for my life and everyone in it.

Happy Thanksgiving everybody!

1 comment:

  1. Some people do not get along well with scales, they can’t handle seeing daily and weekly fluctuations and it causes undue grief. If this is you, throw your scale in the trash and use clothing or a “pinch test” to judge your weight.
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