Wednesday, November 8, 2017


Yesterday morning I had the breast MRI.  Wow, it was so loud and somewhat uncomfortable.  The traffic was so bad in the morning that it took 90 minutes to get there but only 50 to come home.  When I got out of the machine, my ears were ringing.  Other MRIs have given me headphones and music to listen to. This one just gave me sponge earplugs, which didn't work very well.  My hearing is still impaired this morning. I can hear everything, but I also hear a constant whooshing noise in my left ear.  I don't expect it to show anything, and if it damaged my left ear, I'm going to be very sorry that I did it.

My weight this morning is 262.5.  Not good, but Monday night's dinner at the Enzian sent me up three pounds yesterday morning. I was good yesterday, so I'm down two of those three, but not as far down as I was Monday morning.  I am down 3.5 for the week, but I still haven't made it back to  the 258.8 on October 25.  I have three more days of all meals at home.  We might be eating lunch out on Sunday, but that depends on how well Ed heals up from his hernia surgery on Thursday.  If he is not able to go out, we will go to the movie by ourselves and come home for lunch. At that point, I can eat all the rest of my meals at home through next Thursday morning when we drive down to Boynton Beach for an overnight trip to hear Dave H. and Ralph M. talk about the book Kindertransport: A Lifelong Journey of Survival and Redemption.  The book is great, and I am looking forward to seeing our friends talk abut it.

Today we are down to one car, mine.  Mark's car was dead yesterday morning when he tried to go to water aerobics.  The battery is barely two years old and has a six year warranty, so it shouldn't be dead.  It wouldn't even accept a charge.  Now he has to call AAA to get a bigger jump start or a new battery again.  He fears something in the electrical system is the problem, so he wants to take it up to CarMax where he can use his Extended Warranty for the possible repair.  Meanwhile, although my car is in great condition, it STILL does not recognize my key fob regularly.  One of the things that I did at Mullinax Ford last week was have them change the batteries in both fobs and reset everything. Mark's fob works fine, but mine is hit or miss again.  Up at the imaging center yesterday, I tried all four doors, maybe about 20 tries, and started to feel that I would be stuck there.  Even the clicker part of the fob didn't work.  At last, it finally recognized my fob and I got in the car.  It always recognizes it from the inside to get the car started, it just doesn't recognize it outside trying to unlock the car.  Now I need to call Mullinax Ford and have them look at it again, but not until we get Mark's car straightened out.  A lot of people in our neighborhood get by on one car and a golf cart, but so far we have both made plans for doctor appointments, classes, rehearsals, exercise, etc. without regard to the other person's schedule, assuming we each have a working car.  Now we have to start juggling things to get by on one car for awhile.  Next Thursday when we take off for South Florida for the book talk, we really need at least ONE reliable car!

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