Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Much happened in two days.

Monday I played Mah Jongg in the morning and won three games, so that was nice.  We picked up Mark's car, and nothing wrong was found.  He is a little upset that the battery drained with no definitive reason why, but he will just drive and see what happens in the future.

Yesterday was CRAZY.

It was raining in the morning, so instead of going to water aerobics, we made the decision to go to the indoor track to walk for 20-30 minutes.  On lap seven, I fell, HARD.  My right foot didn't lift far enough and got stuck on the track.  I was walking very fast, so I did not have time to correct and avoid the fall.  I hit on my knees, arms, and stomach, rolled twice, and ended up on my stomach, unable to breathe!  That was the scariest part.  I panicked a little bit that I couldn't control the breathing, but after rolling over, sitting up (with Mark's help), and a little time, the breathing returned to normal.  I sat a few more minutes and then got up and managed to walk the rest of the way around the track (I was farthest from the exit). I went downstairs and sat on a soft chair until Mark finished and then we got back home.

I was very lucky.  I knew nothing was broken, but every muscle was screaming.  I had trouble with laughing or breathing deeply, my arms hurt, my back all up and down, and both knees.  The knees felt hot to the touch, so I put ice packs on them several times.  I put the heating pad on my bag twice, and finally, I took leftover pain pills and muscle relaxers.

I held off taking the pills for hours because we had a Cove Singers rehearsal from 2-4 and tickets to see Love Never Dies in Orlando at 8.  I asked someone else to lead the rehearsal, and finally at 5 p.m., I made the decision that I could not go to Orlando.  I called five couples to try to give the tickets away, but no one was able to take them.  So sad.  Once I gave up going to Orlando, I took the pills, which make me very sleepy.

At 9:30 I was nodding off in the chair in front of the TV, so I decided to go to bed.  That didn't work.  I couldn't lay down on my back or my side.  It was VERY painful, so I sat up in the living room chair all night.  I know that I slept because I remember two different pieces of dreams, but it was a restless night.  So today I  cancelled our drive to Tampa to take Robin O. out to lunch and the aquarium.  She was so nice and understanding about it.  I felt bad that I had to cancel, but I really just want to stay home all day and take more pills.  I have just taken the meds, so I'm trying to get this blog done quickly before my brain is too fuzzy!  LOL

Today is also Weigh-inWednesday.  I am disappointed because I gained some Sunday night at House of Blues.  Even though I ate GREAT both Monday (1339 calories) and Tuesday (1204 calories), the weight did not drop.  This morning I weighed in at 259.5, which means I'm reporting a gain for the week of 7/10ths.  Not terrible, I know, but earlier this week I had actually hit two pounds less than this and was hoping to report a pound down instead of almost a pound up.

Now we are facing Thanksgiving and a cruise before I report the weight again. I hope that I can get through the week-long cruise just staying the same.  It only happened once before, so I know it will be a challenge.  I'm going to report my Saturday morning weight, but I won't report it any more until the Monday morning after the cruise.  I will take the laptop, but I don't use the scales in the gym.  They don't work when the ship is moving anyway, and I know that all scales are different anyway.

One good thing is that I finished another jigsaw puzzle.  This one was fun and relatively easy because it was the covers of old board games like Monopoly and Chinese Checkers and many, many others.  It was a Hanukkah gift last year from Cindy and really so much fun to do.

Happy Thanksgiving to everybody.  We are going to Barb and Ed's house, so we don't have to cook anything tomorrow, which is a blessing. I'm going to make pumpkin muffins tomorrow morning, but those are easy.  Have a great time. I'm thankful for a lot of things, but right now I'm thankful I didn't break any bones in the fall and that the muscles will heal in time.

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