Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Trifecta? Triple Play?

Pain. Nausea. Constipation. These are the three complications I was told to expect when I went home to recover.

Pain, from the surgical sites
Nausea, from the anaesthesia
Constipation, from the pain meds/narcotics

UGH. I have had all three. The Trifecta! The Triple Play!

Here it is six days later. Pain has been minimal since I got home. Nausea has been daily. Constipation has been unbearable. Why didn't they tell me that the pain and nausea were MOSTLY going to come from the constipation? UGH. Disgusting. Painful. Never ending. Miserable.

Five HOURS of misery last night finally ended about 9 p.m. with what I thought was relief and some finality. OH NO!! This morning it is BACK with a vengeance. Since 8:00 a.m., I have been once again MISERABLE, in PAIN, NAUSEOUS, SWEATY, UNHAPPY, CRYING. This SUCKS.

For the last hour I paced the house with a mantra. "I can do this. I CAN do this. This will NOT be the worse thing I have to do. This will NOT be the worse thing I have to endure. I can do this. I CAN do this. I will NOT cry. I will DO this." I paced. I ranted. Now I'm finally sitting still, trying to type, trying to relax.

Mark has headed out to the store to buy laxatives. I have googled constipation. I have taken Metamucil, eaten fiber, drunk lots of water, eaten fruits and vegetables known to cause a laxative effect, and paced the house. So far everything is USELESS. UGH.

I'm sorry that I'm writing about this, but I have never had anything like this. This is SO NOT ME. I don't feel like me anymore.


  1. Oh Becky -- I am soooo sorry you are going through this -- I suffer the same thing when I take pain meds. It's awful. Daily doses of dulcolax and prunes. Prunes with every meal. Prunes for a snack. And you're right. It is MISERABLE. You have my sympathy. And my love.

  2. Hey Farlee,
    Thanks. I have a nurse friend who reads the blog and sends me private emails. She said I should immediately use a Fleets enema, and she was RIGHT. Mark went to the store and brought it back, along with a laxative, and lovely prunes. Fleets is a miracle and prunes are a tasty treat. I think the anti-nausea med has been the culprit all along. I'm now swearing off that drug also.

  3. Glad it worked! Hope you're feeling better. chag Sameach.

  4. Been there, done that. Only been one week. Lots better by next Wednesday.

  5. Rhonda from Cancer CareSeptember 22, 2010 at 2:41 PM

    I am so glad that you got some help. Constipation is a terribly painful thing. If you still have nausea maybe you can try another nausea med that doesn't cause constipation. Hopefully tomorrow will be a much better day for you! Even though you are not having the best day it doesn't sound like you have lost your excellent attitude. Take care of yourself.

  6. You are all awesome. It's funny because I thought the constipation would only be from the pain med, but it turned out the anti-nausea med also caused it. UGH. I was taking that two or three times a day for the last six days. So no wonder I was miserable. I will have to find a different anti-nausea drug in the future. It also causes fatigue and dizziness, which I have had this whole week as well. I think that once I'm off all the meds, which I essentially am now, I'll be much better. Been sleeping on and off all afternoon and hoping for a better day tomorrow.

  7. Hi Becky,

    Hope you feel better soon. This is so unfair!!!

    Try a can of garbanza beans (chick peas).

    Love and xxx, Melanie

  8. Hi Becky-- So sorry that you are having a bad time, but I'm glad you got some relief. Just as an aside, I love dried fruit...all kinds, and they do a great job for digestion! Also, ripe bananas work sometimes... Let me know when you are up for a game of mah jongg... that will make you feel better( or at least distract you!).

    Ed and I both hope you feel better. Hope you & Mark enjoy Sukkot! Come eat in our sukkah if you are up to it!

