Wednesday, June 1, 2011

"Don't Call the Wolf."

What a great expression, "Don't call the wolf." That's what my lymphedema therapist said to me yesterday when I asked her opinion about getting in a hot tub just up to the waist and keeping my arm out of it. She told me that because of the way the lymphatic system is wired in regard to the heart, people compromised in the arm on the left side, like me, have a much higher risk of developing leg lymphedema on the left side as well, far higher than those who are compromised on the right side. Swell. She then said that in her practice she has seen it happen to many of her left arm lymphedema patients. Then she said, "You don't have any leg problems now, so don't call the wolf. If I were you, I would not get in a hot tub." OK, I won't. I have decided that she is giving good advice. I can live without hot tubs. It's sad, but it will be ok.

I wrote the first paragraph this morning before I left at 7 a.m. to go to my appointment with the therapist. Today she did much more deep massage, paying special attention to the fingers and hand. IT HURT! She said that she is breaking up fibrotic tissue that has formed from the excess protein molecules that couldn't get out. I have to admit that for the last month or so, I had noticed that the fingers hurt when I rubbed them to wash my hands, especially interlacing the fingers of the left hand with the right. I chalked it up to arthritis, but she said that it is fibrotic tissue building up. She has broken a lot of it down today if pain is any indication! LOL Then she wrapped my arm tightly in bulky bandages that stay on until Friday morning. It's awkward doing everything, still I drove the car, shopped, and lifted weights.

The therapist also gave me three pages of more exercises to do twice a day. None of them are long or hard, but there are a lot of them. I'll try to go through that sheet later tonight.

Soon we are having our shirataki noodle spaghetti dinner, and then we are going to shul for a special yahrzeit minyan. I don't remember ever going to that kind of minyan. Still, we were asked if we would come because they are concerned that they won't get a minyan, so, of course, we said we would come.

1 comment:

  1. I am glad that you are getting this treatment. I hope that it starts helping alot. It sounds like your lymphedema therapist is well-educated. I am praying for very good results for you.
