Wednesday, February 15, 2012

It's Wednesday.

Although my calories were not as low as the previous week, I guess they were low enough. I lost a pound and a half. This morning I weighed 253.2, and I was thrilled! I walked a half an hour yesterday, and we had walked two miles in 48 minutes Monday. I'm sure the consistent exercise helped me with my weight loss this week, even though my calories were averaging more like 1500 to 1600 instead of 1200.

I feel like a new woman today! LOL! That normal biopsy gave me such a wonderful, light-hearted feeling. I knew that I was nervous about the possibilities, but I really didn't know how much it was weighing me down. Wow! I was almost euphoric, and I woke up with that same feeling today. I'm a normal BC survivor. Most of us think another cancer is right around the corner. I think I was pro-active and not just paranoid. At least this lovely lady doctor treated me that way.

I'm up extra early this morning because I wanted to eat breakfast early since lunch has to be very early, 10:15! LOL! I know that seems absurd, but when I was working, my lunch period at school was 10:45 for the last six years of work. My other alternative was to have a "brunch" at 9 or 10, but Mark is now getting up very early for breakfast to help his sugar levels stay down, so I decided to get up early and eat with him.

Why do I need lunch so early today? Because I have to leave the house at 10:30 to go for a mani/pedi. When that is over, I'm immediately going to go play Mah Jongg with a new group of ladies. By then it will be nearly 4 p.m. and there would have been no time for lunch. At 4, I'm going up to the gym for my weight machines and somehow I have to work a walk or swim into the day. At 5:15 Mark and I are driving over to the Disney area for dinner at Denny's and then a rehearsal at the synagogue from 7-9 p.m.

And NO! The day isn't over then. We will get home near 10 p.m and then PACK! Yes, we are leaving for a one week trip down to the south Florida area. Our plan is to bust out of the house at 7 a.m. tomorrow morning, so we can arrive around noon and have lunch there. We are going to a Clarion Hotel in Stewart, FL. While we're down there, we will have time to visit our friend Ellen from Buffalo, NY! She's renting a condo for a few weeks in that same area in Delray Beach. Friday morning we are going to meet her for breakfast. It should be a lot of fun. The rest of the time will be spent touring, relaxing, and eating, hopefully not eating too much. We plan to take some nice long walks, too.

Of course, a trip means eating all the meals out for a week. Sigh. Not my strong point. I will only promise to do my best. We will be arriving back home next Tuesday night, just in time for the next Wednesday weigh-in. I will be happy if I stay the same for this week. That would be a small triumph for a week away from home. I am taking my laptop, so I hope to write some blogs while we are gone.

I already mentioned that Mark got me a cute Mickey card and made me a delicious dinner for Valentine's Day. (His low-cal, lo-carb Kung Pao Chicken was AMAZING!!) What I didn't know when I was writing yesterday was that he had also ordered flowers to be delivered to the house. sweet. Only thing is, they didn't come! He was on edge all day waiting for that delivery and they never came. He did, however, pay a bundle on a credit card for the online purchase. Now, today, he has to try to track it down and get his money back. Well, his heart was in the right place and I appreciated the thought. Had flowers shown up at the door, I would have been very, very surprised. I only remember him sending me flowers once before for a Valentine's Day and that was when I was teaching at Pikesville Middle School in the late 1990s. They arrived at school and I put them on my desk. My students were very impressed! So was I.

At this point, I hope he can at least get his money back.

Tomorrow, I'll be blogging from south Florida! YAY!

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