Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Little Trip/No Laptop

Once again I am going to take a three day, two night trip and leave the laptop at home.  The last one was at the NARFE convention two weeks ago. I fully expected the Kindle to log onto the hotel's free WiFi, but it did not.  I have decided to give it one more try this week, hoping it was that particular hotel and not the Kindle.  Today, Mark and I are heading off for a little beach vacation at Cocoa Beach.  Mark sometimes stayed there when he visited Kennedy Space Center for work, but I have never been there.  I like beaches, but I haven't been to one in several years.  I hope it's going to be fun.  We'll see.

The morning is starting off with an appointment for Mark at the opthamologist for a diabetic retina check.  He's seeing the same eye doctor that I went to me when my retina tore.  I like him a lot, so I think Mark will like him, too. No one likes being dilated and having a super bright light shined in the eye, but it's just one of those things that you have to do now and then.  Mark really needs a regular eye exam and new glasses, so this is the first step towards that goal.

Speaking of goals, I checked one off my list yesterday.  I cleaned out my walk in closet.  It took over two hours, which surprised me!  Mark had a box of shoes still in the den because there was no place to unpack them in our shared closet. My shoes had sort of taken over the entire floor.  There was also a large pile of sweat shirts and sweaters that I had put in there because I couldn't bring myself to get rid of them when we first moved.  I'm over it now!

I threw away two pairs of shoes, and Mark through out four pairs.  His box yielded only two pairs of winter boots, one pair of dress shoes, and one pair of bedroom slippers.  Not a lot once he tossed the other four pairs.  Now all of those shoes plus his sneakers, flip flops, and two pairs of usual cowboy boots easily fit on the floor of the closet.

I have a shoe box that holds 12 pairs of shoes, although I double packed two of the slots, so there are 14 pairs in there.  Total I have 18 pairs of shoes, but I threw out two pairs AND I put 12 pairs in a bag to give to Goodwill.  I had no idea that I actually had 32 pairs of shoes cluttering up the floor of that closet.  In addition, I put a lot of clothes in a box to give away. I didn't really count them, but I know there are four pairs of pants that were Mark's that never even had the tags taken off. I bought them for him years ago, but he put them away and forgot about them. He finally tried them on a few weeks ago, and they don't fit!  Whatever.  Now Goodwill is getting them.

I kept only two pull over sweaters and a few sweatshirts for those unexpectedly cool Florida winters or trips up north. I also kept a small stack of what I call "souvenir" t-shirts. These are shirts that may or may not fit me but have sentimental value.  Still, the closet is MUCH tidier and MUCH nicer now. I was proud of myself for getting that job done.

Mah Jongg went well.  I won two hands, one of them a closed hand I had never done before. Nice.  In the evening we went to see a local high school production of "Sound of Music."  Pretty nice!

This morning I got on the scale even though it's not official until tomorrow.  I'm actually down a little bit. If I don't blow it today, and that's a big IF when we will be eating lunch and dinner our, I might show a loss for the week.  This morning I appear to be down two pounds from the last time I logged it in.  I'm going to try really hard to eat sensibly in the restaurants today because I'd LOVE to write down a loss. I packed the scale, and if the Kindle will log onto the WiFi, I will blog about it tomorrow from the hotel.  Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Have fun on your trip. Congratulations on almost having a weightloss.
